. Praktische drahtlose Telegrafie; ein komplettes Lehrbuch für Studenten der Funkkommunikation . 6oa 700-WELLEN-LENGTHAbb. 218 – Resonanzkurve der Antennenschwingungen. 198 PRAKTISCHE DRAHTLOSE TELEGRAFIE. Koordinierte Punkte werden auf Querschnittpapier abgelegt, durch das eine gemeinsame Linie oder Krüge gezeichnet wird. Ein typischer Satz von Messwerten folgt: Wellenlänge des Wellenlängenmessers 450 495 525 535 540 560 575 585 600 615 625 635 655 700 entsprechende Ableitungdes Heißdrahtstrommeters 0.0 0.005 0.01 0.009 0.01 0.03 0.05 0.08 0.1 0.085 0.05 0.03 0.01 0.00 mit dem vor uns ablaufenden Querschnittspapier, der Wellenlängenrea
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. Practical wireless telegraphy; a complete text book for students of radio communication . 6oa 700 WAVE LENGTHFig. 218—Resonance Curve of the Antenna Oscillations. 198 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. co-ordinate points are laid off on cross-section paper through which a common line or curveis drawn. A typical set of readings follows: Wave-length of thewavemeter 450 495 525 535 540 560 575 585 600 615 625 635 655 700 Corresponding deflectionof the hot wire wattmeter 0.0 0.005 0.01 0.009 0.01 0.03 0.05 0.08 0.1 0.085 0.05 0.03 0.01 0.00 With the cross-section paper before us, the wave-length readings are laid off horizontallyas indicated in Fig. 218 and are known as the abscissas of the points on the curve, while thehot wire wattmeter readings are laid off vertically and are known as the ordinates of thepoints on the curve. Take, for example, the wave-length of 575 meters; the corresponding. 500 600 WAVE LEN&TH IN METERS 700 60O Fig. 219—Curves Showing the Cliange in Wave Length by Addition of Inductance in a Radio-Freauencv Circuit. PRACTICAL RADIO MEASUREMENTS 199 hot wire wattmeter deflection is .05. Then follow the vertical line corresponding to 575until the horizontal line is met corresponding to .05 and place a dot or a cross. Proceedsimilarly with the entire set of calibrations until all points on the curve are located. Thendraw a line joining them. Now, if the coil, L, of the wavemeter remains in the same position relative to the coil, L-1, and the primary and secondary windings of the oscillation transformer, are set at variouscouplings, the curve in Fig. 218 will become sharper or broader, accordingly, as thecoupling is decreased or increased. By means of these curves the relative sharpness of theradiated waves can be compared allowing to some extent a predetermination of the amountof interference to be expected. If the coupling at the oscillation transform