Pingla, West Bengal, Indien. November 15, 2019, Patachitra ist eine einzigartige Volkstradition der Visual Storytelling, begleitet von Songs durch die Patuas. Geschichten sind auf lange blättert durch die paintersknown als Chitrakars (Familie Namen), die Sie nach und nach entfalten, während die erzählt, gemalt. Patachitra hat die Aufmerksamkeit und das Interesse der Künstler, Kunst Kenner und Forscher und ist national und international als einen sehr interessanten Stil der Malerei. Credit: ZUMA Press, Inc./Alamy leben Nachrichten
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November 15, 2019, Pingla, west bengal, india: Patachitra is a unique folk tradition of visual storytelling accompanied by songs performed by the patuas.Stories are painted on long scrolls by the paintersknown as Chitrakars(family surname) who gradually unfurl them while narrating. Patachitra has drawn the attention and interest of artists, art connoisseurs and art researchers and has been nationally and internationally acclaimed as a very interesting style of painting.To some, Patrachitra is the precursor of mordern day animation. The word Pata comes from the sanskrit word Patta that means ''a piece of cloth'' and Chitra refers to painting.The songs are known as Pater Gaan which are passed down orally to next generations. Traditionally, the Putuas would travel from village to village, singing and displaying the scrolls to earn a living. Patachitra is known for its bold colors, lines and strokes.The multilayer communication in patachitra includes strong visual and lucid audio messages which not only enliven the traditional stories but also used to communicate the social issues.Artists at Naya have formed a cluster by the name of ''Chitrataru''.There are 70 households with total 25 artists where almost 124 artists are women. Leading artists like Gurupada Chitrakar and Anwar Chitrakar have won National award and many of their artist have won state level award. Swarna Chitrakar, Manu Chitrakar, Manimala Chitrakar and many more have travelled to places like uk, france, usa, china, germany, sweden, denmark to showcase their Art form.Raw materials used to make traditional patachitra paintings are : paper, cloth, adhesive and most important thing is natural color extracted from fruits, flower, vegetables, leaves, and mud.The artist extract red color from Saffron, blue from Aparajita, white from kusum mati, green from runner beans or brown from Teak leaves.Gum from wood apple is extracted in a coconut shell and mixed with natural colors and kept in the bright sunlight to darken. (Credit Ima
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