. Philadelphia und seine Umgebung, und die Eisenbahn-Landschaft von Pennsylvania. urth, Sixth, und Seventh Straßen alle fewminutes, die letzten benannten conveying Passagiere zum Torhof, und die anderen Pass-ing innerhalb einer kurzen Entfernung von it.Admission ist frei zu allen Teilen des Hofes, Und Pässe an Bord der Schiffe können bei der Kommandostelle, direkt im Tor, nachbesorgt werden. Therows der Munition, Stapel von Kugeln, und vor allem das Arsenal, mit seinen Reliquien, wird den Prüfer interessieren. Die riesigen und doch eleganten Gebäude der Franklin Sugar Raffinerie, in Delaware Avenue und Almond Street,
1060 x 2357 px | 17,9 x 39,9 cm | 7,1 x 15,7 inches | 150dpi
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. Philadelphia and its environs, and the railroad scenery of Pennsylvania . urth, Sixth, and Seventh Streets every fewminutes, the last named con-veying passengers to the gateof the yard, and the others pass-ing within a short distance of it.Admission is free to all parts ofthe yard, and passes to go onboard the vessels can be readilyprocured at the commandersoffice, just inside the gate. Therows of ordnance, stacks ofballs, and especially the arsenal, with its relics, will interest thevisitor. The huge yet elegant build-ings of the Franklin Sugar Re-finery, at Delaware Avenue andAlmond Street, a short distanceabove the Navy Yard, form aconspicuous object, and cannotfail to attract the visitors atten-tion. As might be supposed, theDelawaie, with its broad stream, deep channel, and abrupt bank, is the chosen home of the ship-ping interest, while thQ. Schuyl-kill is still waiting for the timeto come when its shores will beneeded to relieve the easternwharves. Next above the Navy Yardare the grain wharves of thePennsylvania Railroad, with alarge elevator overlooking. 88 PHILADELPhIA AND 2TS ENVIRONS. them; and from these to Kensington there is a constant succession of shipping wharves, many of which have great local fame. Among these are Spruce Streetwharf, the great oyster depot;Dock Street wharf, famous forpeaches; Chestnut and Market, the great passenger wharves, wherewe may take boats up or down theriver or across to Camden ; ineStreet wharf, the terminus of theCamden and Atlantic Railroad, whence in summer-time thousandsdepart daily for a run down to thebeach, To cool them in the sea ; Willow Street wharf, which is oneof the termini of the ReadingRailroad, and near to which theextensive freight depots of theReading and the North Penn- r. i sylvania roads stand harmoniously: side by side; and Poplar Streetwharf, with its huge stacks of-• lumber, covering acres of s^round.One of the most extensive of theseC- yards is represented in the accom-;; panying view; Smith «S: