Paar Steigbügel. Kultur: Mapuche in Chile. Abmessungen: 42.50.440; H.10 in. (25,4 cm); W. 9. (22,9 cm); D.4. (10,2 cm); Wt. 2 lb. 13,4 oz. (1287.1 g); 42.50. 441; H.10 in. (25,4 cm); W. 9. (22,9 cm); D.4 1/2 in. (11,4 cm); Wt. 2 lb. 13,6 oz. (1292.7 g). Datum: 19. Diese großen, schweren und ausgearbeitete Mapuche Steigbügel für Rituale und Zeremonien, in denen Pferde mit reichen und kunstvollen Tack geschmückt waren verwendet wurden. Ihre allgemeine Form aus dem Argentinischen <i> Campana</i> Steigbügel inspiriert, selbst entwickelte sich aus dem 18. Jahrhundert europäischen Arten. Die geschnitzten geometrische Muster
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Pair of Stirrups. Culture: Mapuche, Chile. Dimensions: 42.50.440; H. 10 in. (25.4 cm); W. 9 in. (22.9 cm); D. 4 in. (10.2 cm); Wt. 2 lb. 13.4 oz. (1287.1 g); 42.50.441; H. 10 in. (25.4 cm); W. 9 in. (22.9 cm); D. 4 1/2 in. (11.4 cm); Wt. 2 lb. 13.6 oz. (1292.7 g). Date: 19th century. These large, heavy and elaborated Mapuche stirrups may have been used for rituals and ceremonies in which horses were adorned with rich and elaborate tack. Their general shape is inspired from Argentinian <i>campana</i> stirrups, themselves evolved from 18th-century European types. The carved geometric designs refer to Mapuche symbolism and cosmogony. The circle with the cross represents <i>meli witran mapu</i> (literally the land of the four places), the four parts of the world. The circles with a central dot, on the lower rim, may be representations of the sun or stars and the crown-shaped symbols may represent the head of Lukutuwe, or the First Man, as he appears on many Mapuche textiles. Hearts and leaf-shaped motifs are other traditional designs, while the four pointed mounts at each corner of the stirrup represent sacred spaces and communication with the deities. The general shape of these stirrups is inspired from Argentinian silver <i>campana</i> stirrups, themselves evolved from 18th-century European types. The Mapuches are Native people living on a territory mainly located in the south of Santiago del Chile and partially in Argentina. Mapuches were fierce warriors, never defeated by the Incas and then the Spaniards, and the Mapuche lands were conquered only in 1883. They adopted the horse for war very shortly after their first encounter with the Spanish in 1551, and before the end of the century they had several organized squadrons of cavalry. The animal then soon became an important part of traditional Mapuche life. Museum: Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA.