. Outdoor-Möglichkeiten; die Aufzucht Pflege von Kleintieren, Vögeln und Pflanzen; eine praktische Abhandlung über die Aufzucht und Pflege von Kleintieren, Vögeln und Pflanzen für Gewinn und Vergnügen. Nimmt das richtige Interesse an seinem Vogelsand wird ihnen die notwendige Sorgfalt und Aufmerksamkeit geben. Kurz, der Rat ist dies: Wählen Sie Ihre Rasse dann halten Sie sich daran. Vorteile gegenüber Geflügel-Squab Aufzucht hat mehrere deutliche Vorteile gegenüber poul-try. Jungvögel werden das ganze Jahr über aufgezogen und bringen die höchsten 194 OUTDOOR-GELEGENHEITEN Preise während der Winter-Montlis, wenn Ihre Hühner normalerweise einstimmig beschließen, eine Pause zu nehmen. Keine neue BL
1361 x 1836 px | 23 x 31,1 cm | 9,1 x 12,2 inches | 150dpi
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. Outdoor opportunities; the raising care of small animals, birds and plants; a practical treatise on the raising and care of small animals, birds and plants for profit and pleasure . takes the proper interest in his birdsand will give them the necessary care and attention. Briefly, the advice is this: Select your breed then stick to it. Advantages Over Poultry-Squab raising has several marked advantages over poul-try. Squabs are raised the year around and bring highest 194 OUTDOOR OPPORTUNITIES prices during the winter montlis, when your hens usuallyunanimously decide to take a rest. No new blood is neces-sary every two or three years in raising pigeons. Pigeonsstay mated for life and the average pair is profitable nineto ten years while in poultry, new blood is necessary everytwo or three years. Pigeons are not as susceptible to diseaseand are rarely bothered with lice or mites. The commonchicken louse is not known to affect pigeons. Squabs are reared by the parent birds and therefore thereis no bother with incubation; also, no need of worry aboutsquabs drowning when a shower of rain comes, as the squabsare always under roof sitting quietly in the nest. Other ad-. -Courtesy American Pigeon JournalRED CARNEAU THE PIGEON INDUSTRY 195 vantages may be mentioned equally as important as the fore-going, such as less space needed, less equipment necessary, and smaller capital. Value of Squabs as a FoodThe pigeon is the only species of aerial bird kept indomestication to provide food for man. It is also the onlyuseful domestic bird that is able to maintain itself and in-crease in numbers in populous districts without the care ofman. Their value as food is primarily the use of the squabswhich they raise. A squab is a young pigeon from four tofive weeks of age and is called a squab as long as it remainsin the nest. After it leaves the nest it loses in weight andis then called a youngster. Its growth is so rapid that atfour weeks of age it is practically as large as the parentb