. Ontario Sitzungsdiensten Papiere, 1897-98, Nr. 33-66. west Side von wliichit ist unterlegt durch eine grobe rosa Quarz - diorit. Dieser steigt aus den Gneis zu einer Höhe von 15 Fuß südlich vom See 29. und 10 Meilen 2 Ketten, wo die Gneis wieder comesin. See 29 fließt in See 28, der anoutlet im Südwesten hat in See von Buchten, den Kanal am Auslass, steil und Rock - sowohl mit Gneis und die oben genannten Quarz - diorit im Beweis gebunden. 166 61 Victoria. Tagungen Papiere (Xo. 33). A. 1898 Gneis bildet die Ufer des großen lakecalled durch Herrn Niven der See von Buchten, beingLake ^
2080 x 1201 px | 35,2 x 20,3 cm | 13,9 x 8 inches | 150dpi
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. Ontario Sessional Papers, 1897-98, No.33-66. west side of wliichit is underlaid by a coarse pink quartz-diorite.This rises from the gneiss to an elevation of15 feet south of lake 29 and continues to 10miles 2 chains where the gneiss again comesin. Lake 29 flows into lake 28, which has anoutlet to the southwest into Lake of Bays, the channel at the outlet being steep and rock-bound with both gneiss and the above men-tioned quartz-diorite in evidence. 166 61 Victoria. Sessional Papers (Xo. 33). A. 1898 Gneiss forms the shore of the large lakecalled by Mr. Niven the Lake of Bays, beingLake of ^ short translation of an exceedinglyThfAy°Miie l^^S Indian name signifying. Thelake. lajjg which one may enter at any point and find a bay directly opposite. Mr.Williams of Lac Seul informed me that thislake forms a part of a canoe-route connectingSturgeon river with sturgeon lake. Justbefore reaching the lake the rock interlamin-•ated with hornblende schist reaches a con-siderable height, a Hording a view of 10 milesto the north and west.. Contact of Laurentian gneiss and hornblende schist. In the accompanying sketch is shown thecontact between the gneiss and hornblendeschist north of the line. This latter rockoccurs in considerable masses, and as thegneiss for the mo.st part contains fragmentsof it and shows flow structure conforming tothe lines of contact it must be of later age. West of the Lake of Bays the rock is moregenerally covered and exposures are few ; onlake 32 however some outcrops of gneissoidgranite occur, and to the west of Dominionlake is even more granitic, cropping out inTounded hummocks at various jK)ints bothnorth and south of the line, and on the lineat 20 miles 60 chains, 21 miles 10 chains, 22 miles 30 chains. A very large muskeg witli flat clay floor•stretches from 21 miles 40 chains to 22 miles60 chains, and extends for six or seven milesnortheast and southwest with occasionalislands of granite. The country rises andthe granite conies out strong j