. Offizielle Verfahren . Implexing, die von U. J.Fry, Superintendent der Telegraph der Chicago, Milwaukee & St. entworfen wurde Paul, entfernt die Simplex-Spule am Ende der linenearest der Dispatcher, und verringert dadurch den Strom drainon der Wahlschalter senden Batterie. Schaltkreise, die diese beiden Simplexing-Verbindungen zeigen, werden auf dem Bildschirm angezeigt und später detailliert beschrieben. Ein weiteres Mittel zur Steigerung der Effizienz der Drahtanlagen, wo Dispatching und n^iessage Schaltungen über die samedivisions aufgereiht werden, ist die Verwendung der Phantomschaltung, die consistsof Anwendung retardati
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. Official proceedings . implexing, which was designed by U. J.Fry, Superintendent of Telegraph of the Chicago, Milwaukee &St. Paul, does away with the simplex coil at the end of the linenearest the dispatcher, and thereby decreases the current drainon the selector sending battery. Circuits showing these twomethods of simplexing will be shown on the screen and describedin detail later. Another means of increasing the efficiency of the wire plantwhere dispatching and n^iessage circuits are strung over the samedivisions is by making use of the phantom circuit, which consistsof applying retardation coils and condensers to the existing mes-sage and train circuits in such a way as to secure an additionaltelephone line without additional line construction; that is, by theuse of the phantom circuit in connection with the train and mes-sage wires, telephone conversations can be carried on simulta-neously over the two pairs of wires. A number of such installa-tions have been made and are proving very satisfatcory.. Way-Station, Michigan Central R. R. Another feature which is of vital importance in train dis-patching is the manner in which the lines are constructed andmaintained. First of all, in installing telephone train dispatchingequipment, it is absolutely essential, if satisfactory results are tobe obtained, to have a metallic circuit and use wire such as wull io8 Proceedings Railway Club of Pittsburgh. provide ample transmission. The wire adopted as standard bymost of the railroads for train and message service is No. 9B. & S. hard-drawn copper, weighing 208 pounds to the mile. Ofcourse, on short lines and branches, iron wire may be utilizedand the following figures illustrate the differences which willbe obtained in transmission with different sizes of copper and ironwire: The standard for commercial transmission is rated in termsof No. 19 gauge cable, and the transmission over 30 miles ofthis cable has been adopted as the limit of standard commercialtransmission. The