Num-DATEIEN SIND AUF DER HACKE MEISSEL DAS EXCELSIOR DRY LEVEL NICKELP. LATING BATTERIEN mit disston's Sägen verwendet. LANGDON MITRE, CO.DIE CHRISTLICHE UNION. Predigten in Plymouth Kirche. Die noye Mühle Einrichtung arbeiten Ingenieure Landwirte Haushälterinnen und Arbeiter im Allgemeinen. -: O: Inhalt. Abteilung für Mechanik. Abteilung Engineering. Abteilung für praktische Technologie. Abteilung für die Farm. Falten und Rezepte 84.20 Adresse H. N. MUNN 37 Park Row New York City. HARTFORD STEAM BOILER Inspection & Insaram UNTERNEHMEN fB Plarien Sae. Die nicht brennbaren Dampf KESSEL & ROHR OVERI MIT LUFTRAUM
Dieses Bild kann kleinere Mängel aufweisen, da es sich um ein historisches Bild oder ein Reportagebild handel
NTO FILES ARE USED ON HOE'S CHISEL THE EXCELSIOR DRY LEVEL NICKELP.LATING BATTERIES With Disston's Saws. LANGDON MITRE BOX CO. THE CHRISTIAN UNION. Sermons in Plymouth Church. NOYE'S Mill Furnishing Works Engineers Farmers Housekeepers and Workmen generally. —:o: Contents. DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICS. DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING. DEPARTMENT OF PRACTICAL TECHNOLOGY. DEPARTMENT OF THE FARM. Wrinkles and Recipes 84.20 Address H. N. MUNN 37 Park Row New York City. HARTFORD STEAM BOILER Inspection & Insaram COMPANY fB Plarien Sae. THE run NON-COMBUSTIBLE STEAM BOILER & PIPE OVERI WITH AIR SPACE IMPROVEMENT. W. C. DUYCKINCK REYNOLDS & CO. IFIIRE EMERY AND HOWARD IRON WORKS BUFFAL N. Y. THE SOUTHERN STATES AGRICULTURAL AND INDUSTRIAL Executive Committee. SHINGLES BEADING AND STAVES. PORTLAND CEMENT The Standard—Best Stock—Finest Finish. MAGNETS—Permanent Steel Magnets THE BEST INJECTOR For Locomotive and Stationary Boilers. FRIEDMANN'S PATENT. 108 Liberty St. New York. Portland Cement nmet Pricvd and BEST. PortabIe $3 The Oldest Agency for Soliciting Patents in the United States. SWEPT Y-EIGHT YEARB BIFERIER0 Copies of Patents. sold in part or whole to persons attracted to the invention by such notice. MUNN & C 37 Park How N. Y. Waahingioa OF TIM TEl MOST POPULAR NI NTIFIC PAPER IE THE WORLD. THIRTIETH YEAR VOLUME XXXIIL—NEW SERIES The publishers of the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN beg to announce that on the third day of July 1876 a new volume commenced. It will continue to be the aim of the publishers to render the con. tents of the new volume more attractive and use ful than any of its predecessors. To the lfecharme and Maaufactteer. suits should think of doing without the BCLENTIF IC LIKERI OAN. Every number contains from six to ten cannot be found in any other publication. The SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN is devoted to the Interests of Popular Science the Mechanic Arts Manufactures Inventions AgricultureCommerce and the industrial pursuits generally; and it is val. uable and instr