. New England Vogelleben: Ein Handbuch der New England Ornithologie sein; . an.Es ist einer der drei commoner Vireos von Nord-England im Sommer, die Gelbkehlige und die Weißaugen sind mehr eingeschränkt in ihren re-spective Bereiche, und die Phila-delphian für den ersten Teil Pass-ing unbemerkt. Itarrives in Neuengland earlerthan das otlierVireos, das manchmal in Massachusetts in der letzten Aprilwoche gesehen wird, und ebenso verweilt später im Herbst - den ganzen September hindurch und gelegentlich bis Mitte Oktober. Nester wurden in Con-necticut und Massachusetts sowie weiter nördlich gefunden
2453 x 1019 px | 41,5 x 17,3 cm | 16,4 x 6,8 inches | 150dpi
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. New England bird life: being a manual of New England ornithology; . an.It is one of the three commoner Vireos of northernNew England in summer, the Yellow-throated andthe White-eyed being more restricted in their re-spective ranges, and the Phila-delphian for themost part pass-ing unnoticed. Itarrives in NewEngland earlierthan the otlierVireos, being sometimes seen in Massachusetts in thelast week of April, and likewise lingers later in thefall — all through September, and occasionally untilthe middle of October. Nests have been found in Con-necticut and Massachusetts as well as farther north, but the bird seems to be nowhere very prominent inthe composition of the Avifauna. It is scarcely aninhabitant of the streets and parks like the Red-eyedor Warbling Greenlet, preferring the solitude of thewoods ; and hence less frequently comes under obser-vation. The nest is described as resembling that ofthe Yellow-throated Greenlet, being composed chieflyof bark-strips, fine grasses, and rootlets, ornamentedwith mosses and lichens. The eggs are undistinguish-. FiG. 51.— Details of Structure of Blue-headedGreenlet. (Natural size.) V. NOVEBORACENSIS : WHITE-EYED GREENLET. 205 able from those of some other larger Vireos, mostclosely resembling those of the Yellow-throated insize and markings. They are usually laid the firstweek in June. The song of the bird is an agreeableone, and pitched in a higher key than that of our otherspecies. WHITE-EYED GREENLET. ViREO NOVEBORACENSIS {GlU.) Bp. Chars. Above, bright olive-green, including crown ; a slight ashygloss on the cervix, and the rump showing yellowish when thefeathers are disturbed ; below white, the sides of breast and belly, the axillars and crissum, bright yellow; a bright yellow linefrom nostril to and around eye ; lores dusky ; two broad yellow-ish wing-bars ; inner secondaries widely edged with the same;bill and feet blackish-plumbeous ; eyes white. Length about 5.50 ;wing, 2.33-2.50 ; tail, 2.25 ; spurious quill, 0.7