Naomi (links), Schwiegermutter von Ruth, lehrt einem Kind das Lesen, während Jubal, ein Nachkomme von Kain, der von einigen Christen als Erfinder der Musik angesehen wird, Glocken schlägt. Hebräische Bibel / Altes Testament Marmorrelief an der Westfront der Kathedrale von Orvieto, Umbrien, Italien. Diese Skulptur wird Lorenzo Maitani (ca. 1275–1330) zugeschrieben, der die spätgotische Fassade der Kathedrale entwarf.
3961 x 2646 px | 33,5 x 22,4 cm | 13,2 x 8,8 inches | 300dpi
6. August 2011
Cathedral, Orvieto, Umbria, Italy
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Orvieto, Umbria, Italy: Naomi, mother-in-law of Ruth, teaches a child to read while Jubal, a descendant of Cain, creates music. One of the renowned Hebrew Bible / Old Testament marble bas-reliefs on the west front of the city’s cathedral, the Duomo di Santa Maria Assunta, attributed to Italian architect and sculptor Lorenzo Maitani (c. 1275 - 1330). Maitani established his reputation in Siena before being asked to supervise construction of Orvieto cathedral in 1308. He designed the cathedral’s Late Gothic facade and sculpture enriching it was executed by a team led by him. However, Maitani is believed to have had direct input as a sculptor on panels on two of the facade’s four lower pilasters: scenes from the Hebrew Bible / Old Testament (first or left pilaster) and The Last Judgement (fourth or right pilaster), each sculpted in bas-relief and each unified by an ascending vine. The Hebrew Bible / Old Testament panel includes the scene in this image (top left of the panel), together with the following scenes (starting with the panel’s lower register and going up): creation of fish, birds, mammals and plants; God creates Adam; God takes rib from sleeping Adam; God creates Eve; God forbids Adam and Eve to eat fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil; Eve tempts Adam with the forbidden fruit; Adam and Eve expelled from the Garden of Eden; Adam delves and Eve spins; Cain and Abel make offerings to God; Cain kills Abel; and (top right of the panel) one of Adam’s sons with a compass. D0637.A7619