The installation "Beuys Video Wall (Beuys Hat)" by the pioneer of video art Nam June Paik is a homage to fellow artist Joseph Beuys, who died in 1986. His presence is already evoked by the sculptural form of a monumental felt hat - the artist's trademark. The silently running videos on the 44 monitors of the installation document a piano duet performed by Paik and Beuys in Tokyo in 1984, with Paik cutting out his part in the installation and only focusing on Beuys' electronically alienated actions. Paik translates from the acoustic to the visual, the fireworks of the images seem to fill the silence with pounding noises. In Paik's sense, the »overkill« of information causes a new sense of time to be comprehensive. The Staatsgalerie Stuttgart ([ˈʃtaːts.ɡaləˌʁiː ˈʃtʊtɡaʁt], "State Gallery") is an art museum in Stuttgart, Germany, it opened in 1843. In 1984, the opening of the Neue Staatsgalerie (New State Gallery) designed by James Stirling transformed the once provincial gallery into one of Europe's leading museums.