Meßbuch Abdeckung mit der Himmelfahrt der Jungfrau meßbuch Band mit der Annahme von Maria und das Letzte Abendmahl, Die band besteht aus einem vorderen und einem hinteren, sowohl rechteckige und beide Scharnier nach hinten gebogen. Auf der Innenseite des Blades gibt es gebogene Kanten oben, unten und außerhalb, angeschlossen an den Ecken, die von profilierten Rahmen, in dem sich die Klingen der Meßbuch gehalten werden. Auf der Innenseite der Wirbelsäule gibt es Zwischenblätter mit einem Muschelförmigen Kontur an der Ober- und Unterseite der Buchrücken zu schützen. Die Band kann mit zwei Stollen, welche Schließen, um die Laschen an der Abdeckung angebracht geschlossen werden.
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Missal cover with the Ascension of the Virgin Missal band with the Assumption of Mary and the Last Supper, The band consists of a front and a back, both rectangular and both hinged to the curved back. On the inside of the blades there are curved edges at the top, bottom and outside, connected at the corners by profiled frames, in which the blades of the missal are held. On the inside of the spine there are interleaves with a scalloped contour on the top and bottom to protect the spine of the book. The band can be closed with two cleats, which close around the tabs attached to the cover. The cleats have corrugated sides. Front and back and the back of the tire are surrounded by a profiled edge. Inside, a flat frame has been placed on the front and back, closed by a profile and decorated on the corners with imposed, cast culots. The list includes a field with a punched soil. On the front cover this is decorated with a large oval medallion surrounded by a frame curling up in the middle of the underside, which is interrupted in the middle of the upper side by a cleat and on the sides by leaf leaves. Mary's ascension is depicted in the medallion: Mary ascends to heaven, surrounded by nine angels, some of whom wear attributes - a crown and a scepter, a rosary and palm leaves - while others hold Mary's robes. A smaller oval medallion has been placed above the cleat on the top, in which the standing figure of Saint Elisabeth of Hungary with a beggar. The four Latin church fathers are depicted in half in the four corners of the page: top left Gregory the Great with the papal tiara and staff of the cross, top right Ambrosius with the bishop's throat and crown staff, bottom left Hieronymus with a crucifix, accompanied by his lion, and bottom right Augustine with the bishop's thrower and curving rod and a flaming heart. Between the church fathers depicted on the underside, a symmetrical ornament of leaf leaves is applied. The decoration of the large field on the back sheet show