Members of the family of Sgt. Charles Wyckoff of Chula Vista, Calif. are seen during funeral services at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Va., Friday, June 15, 2007. Wyckoff died earlier this month from injuries he sustained from enemy small arms fire in Afghanistan. From left are, widow Erika Wyckoff, stepdaughter Alexnadra Wyckoff, stepson Joshua Wyckoff, mother Sylvia Wyckoff and father Edward Wyckoff. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

Members of the family of Sgt. Charles Wyckoff of Chula Vista, Calif. are seen during funeral services at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Va., Friday, June 15, 2007. Wyckoff died earlier this month from injuries he sustained from enemy small arms fire in Afghanistan. From left are, widow Erika Wyckoff, stepdaughter Alexnadra Wyckoff, stepson Joshua Wyckoff, mother Sylvia Wyckoff and father Edward Wyckoff. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh) Stockfoto


Personen auf Fotos:

Erika Wyckoff, Alexnadra Wyckoff, Joshua Wyckoff, Sylvia Wyckoff, Edward Wyckoff


Associated Press / Alamy Stock Foto




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2000 x 1415 px | 33,9 x 24 cm | 13,3 x 9,4 inches | 150dpi


15. Juni 2007


Susan Walsh

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