Kugel SCHWARZ & Co. Nr. 565 und 567 Broadway bieten eine Ernequalect Sortiment ot JIIRGENSEN NARDINE. JACOT SALTZMAN NICOUD GERARD PRODSHAM PEARDON GORDING RUGF 5 STEIN RARRISON TAYLOR. Uhren zum niedrigsten Preis. BANE. MOORE & Co Consulting Engineers Addrees Postoillee Box 5659 sr 95 und 97 Liberty st. New York, Hersteller der neuesten verbessertes Patentsystem Dan und Woodworth Hobelmaschine. Passende Bash chinos Sprach und Holz Drehmaschinen und verschiedene und Preis lisle Gesendet am applieation. Manufaktur Wor cester. Mau. Lager 07 Liberty st. New York. 17 Ich Übungen und Werkzeuge von Superior Sonstige Maschinisten'
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BALL BLACK & CO. Nos. 565 and 567 BROADWAY Offer an Ernequalect Assortment ot JIIRGENSEN NARDINE. JACOT SALTZMAN NICOUD GERARD PRODSHAM PEARDON GORDING RUGF5STEIN RARRISON TAYLOR. WATCHES At the Lowest Price. BANE. MOORE & CO. Consulting Engineers Addrees Postoillee Box 5659 sr 95 and 97 Liberty st. N.Y. Manufacturers of the latest improved Patent Dan and Woodworth Planing Machine. Matching Bash chinos Spoke and Wood Turning Lathes and various and price lisle sent on applieation. Manufactory Wor cester. Mau. Warehouse 07 Liberty st.New York. 17 I Drills and other Machinists' Tools of Superior Quai on hand and finishing. For sale Lo w. For Descrip tion and Price address NEW HAVEN 5iANUFACT UR LNG CO New Haven Conn. 5 if os Attention Inventors! tions. Enough will be selectedto till our list and nego tiations for their sale immediately commerced. Corn Munications by mail promptly noticed. Commissions reasonable. E. E. ROBERTS & CO. Consulting Engineers Circular Saw s.Bel tin g.et e.Send for Circular and Price List. WOOD & MANN STEAM ENGINE CO. Utica N. Y. ENGINES ROOT'S WROUGHT IRON SECTIONAL Safety Boiler. WIRING FIRE-ARMS r Sporting Rifles. 500 ' a Sporting Rifles. Metallic es of all sizes _by STER REPEATING ARMS CO. and Minute turIng concerns — capable of controlling with the utmost accuracy the motion of a watchman or patrolman as the same reaches different stations of his P. 0. Box ' 057 Boston Mass. N. BThis detector is covered by two U.S. patents. rity from me will be dealt with according to law. Machtnerw. OTIS BROTHERS at CO. KO. 809 BROADWAY NEW YORK. Send for circular t . H. F. MERRILL New Hartford Conn. r clrularto Wn. T. Ormston & Co. Peekskill N.Y. 'UMPIRE MULEY SAW HANGINGS—Best SNYDER BROTHERS Williamsport Pa. Hardware and Tools. Plain send Price List and 721I Okestant at. Phitadelphiara. RIGGS' BELMONTYLE OIL PREVENTS THE Tallite Emory Whet FOUNDERYMEN MACHINISTS AND ARE SOLID EMERY HEEL Testimonials TANITE CO. Stroudsburg. Pa. Gentlemen :—We a