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Classified Advertisements Advertising in this column is 75 cents a line. No less than four nor more than ten lines accepted. Count seven words to the line. All orders must be accom panied by a remittance. Further information sent on request. READ THIS COLUMN CAREFULLY.-You will find inquiries for certain classes of articles numbered in consecutive order. If you manufacture these goods write us at once and we will send you the name and address of the party desiring the information. There necessary to give the number of the inquiry. Where manufacturers do not respond promptly the BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. patented article. Write giving full particulars. Ad dress Inventors Box 773. New York. buttons. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED FROM MANU FACTURERS. - Mercantile Sales Company Denver Colorado. Manufacturers' Agent s andDistributors for the Western States. machinery. EARN $2600 to $5000 a year.-We train members by mail free of charge in the real estate general broker and purchasing agency. Law and collection business and newspaper and magazine correspondence grant you valuable contracts and furnish you customers. Inter esting booklet free. H. W. Cross. Pres. The Inter-State Co-Operative Assoc. Room 2 Times Bldg N.Y. City. stad's sales $2200 two weeks; Stoneman. $1200 monthly; }teem $164.25 week for three months. Reese can visaed 60 people. so Id 55. Hundreds averaging $60 weekly. Experience unnecessary. New field 50000 already sold Allen's Bath Apparatus gives every home a bath room for $5. Energizes water. Prolongs life. Cleanses almost automatically. Allen Mfg. Co 1608 A lien Bldg„ToledO. glass for pictures. CIGARETTE Making Machine. Agents and dealers selling 1000 monthly profit $250. Machine weighs one ounce fits vest pocket. Sample 50c. postpaid. Territory given. Esrich Mfg. Co. 2825. 23d St„ Box 25 New York. PATENTS FOR SALE. FOR S ALE for cash orlease on royalty combination way and reversible. Simple construction durable easy Inquiry No. 8878.-For factory marring pa