. Katalog für 1892. Baumschulen (Gartenbau) Kansas Kataloge; Gemüse Samen Kataloge; Gartengeräte und Zubehör Kataloge; Blumen Samen Kataloge. Sommer blühende Schüttgüter. T SOMMERBLÜHER. ^ er Anbau von Sommer blühende Kulbs steigt von Jahr zu Jahr. Ihre Kultur ist mehr Rise und leicht, da sie weniger Sorgfalt bei der Gründung erfordern. Sie crow schnell und Mitgift der ersten Staffel, und Blühen und jedes Jahr vermehren, und die meisten von ihnen Arc so schön, anmutig und duftenden, dass Sie jetzt unverzichtbar sind durch alle Liebhaber TUBEROSES betrachtet. Jeder ad Mils, dass die Knolle
868 x 2880 px | 7,3 x 24,4 cm | 2,9 x 9,6 inches | 300dpi
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. Catalogue for 1892. Nurseries (Horticulture) Kansas Catalogs; Vegetables Seeds Catalogs; Gardening Equipment and supplies Catalogs; Flowers Seeds Catalogs. SUMMER FLOWERING BULKS. T SUMMER FLOWERING BULBS. ^he cultivation of Summer Flowering Kulbs is increasing from year to year. Their culture is more wimple and easy, as they require less care in starting. They crow rapidly and dower the first season, and bloom and multiply every year, and most of them arc so beautiful, graceful and fragrant, that they are now considered indispensible by all lovers TUBEROSES. Every one ad mils that the Tuberose cannot be surpassed for delicious fra- grance and deli- cate pure white (lowers. We have both the tall grow- ing and the l't a-l. They should im- planted in a warm place and partially shaded from the sun, to give a suc- cession of bloom. Double, each kc, doz. 76c. Pearl, each 10c, doz. 75c. CANNA. Is one of the best for summer planting. Its trop- ical foliage and exquisite flowers cannot be ex- celled, and since the introduction Of the .New French ("annas they are undoubtedlyin the front rank of sum- m e r flowering bulbs. '1 heir cul- ture is very easy, all they require is a rich soil to bring out their foliage a n d flowers i n their best. We have a good col- lection of both I lie common and French. Common, each 15c. French, ea.50c CALADIUMS. Can be classed as one of the best for yard or lawn ornaments. Its large and tropical foliage makes a pretty effect when .dlanted with Tuberose. Cannas for center of a flower bed; it is a most excellent plant. We have large and well matured bulbs that can be relied on for a fine production of foliage. Each, 10c to 25c. DAHLIAS. The Dahlia is one of the showiest of our autumn flow- ers commencing to flower in August and are in a perfect blaze of blooms until cut down by frost. The Cactus. Pom- pon and such are specially fine for cut flowers. The Dahlia delights in a rich soil. For description of the different va- rieties, see page