Kanadische foundryman (1917). ly foundryiron produzieren ausschließlich, ist nun outbasic Eisen für die Stahlerzeugung, die der Mangel an foundrygrades hasintensified. Es hat eine onlv com September. Stocks von Roheisen im Fell - naces wurden bald erschöpft und ordersnow wird mehrere Monate tofill. Schlimmer noch, Transport- schwierigkeiten themovement von Koks zu den Öfen behindert haben, unddem Winter Wetter thesituation verschlimmern. Erst vor Kurzem war Es fearedthat der Hamilton, Ontario, Ofen wouldhave, aufgrund der kurzen - Alter von Koks. Obwohl die Koks pro-
2591 x 964 px | 21,9 x 8,2 cm | 8,6 x 3,2 inches | 300dpi
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Canadian foundryman (1917) . ly producing foundryiron exclusively, is now turning outbasic iron for steel making which hasintensified the shortage of foundrygrades. There has onlv been a com- tember. Stocks of pig iron at the fur-naces were soon depleted and ordersnow on hand will take several months tofill. To make matters worse, transport-ation difficulties have hindered themovement of coke to the furnaces, andthe winter weather will aggravate thesituation. Only recently it was fearedthat the Hamilton, Ont, furnace wouldhave to shut down owing to the short-age of coke. Although the coke pro-line! ion has increased, it is barely keep-ing up witli the demand, while, in addi-tion, there is a shortage of cars makingthe situation a difficult one to handle.There is ever present a possibility of ashort supply for the furnaces. Production Increases During the year the steel companieshave made important extensions, and thephysical condition of the plants hasbeen greatly improved. New open- 0 A NADIAN F O U N D R Y M A N. PRICE II. I CTUATIONS OF PIG [RON DURING 1914 (INSET), 1915 AND V.ni;. $ PER rot* /9/5. /9I6. PERT0/V- Jan FEB. Mar Apr MAY JUNE July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dae. Jan. Feb. MAR. ft PR. May June July Aug. Sept. Vct. A/OK Dec. so BO 70 P£RT. J 70 J A /V Feb Mar APR. MA Y June July Aug. SEPT Oct lM Oe-c. / 26 i r-J S4- / / 60 «??£ -^ 60 iff/8 —/ 2S__ / SO / 50 / s / 40 J 40 / / / / s 30 / 30 j f / > / SO / ~-( FCRGIAJG BILLETS. )— t^- 1 1 1 1 PRICE FLUCTUATIONS OF FORGING, AND BESSEMER BILLETS. DURING 1914, 1915 AND 1910. CT5.PERLB 19/5. 19 16. CTSPERLB. Jan Feb Mar APR MAY. June JULY Aug. Sept Oct. Nov. Dec. JAM FEB. Mar. Apr. MAY June JULY Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. A^ 6 5 5 j4L / A / / / 3 / 3 / s / _y / 1 { r ?MLL -R P LATL :s. J 1 43 4. 3 , / / / / 1 ( Am ?L B fl H S ) — 1 PRICE FLUCTUATIONS OF BOILER PLATE (Vi TO %»), AND STEEL BARS DURING 1911. 1916 AND 1916. hearth furnaces have been constructedand rolling mills extended. The capa-city