. Kalifornien Fisch und Wild. Fischerei - Kalifornien; Spiel und Spiel - Vögel - Kalifornien; Fische - Kalifornien; Tier Bevölkerungsgruppen; Pêches; Gibier; Poissons. Kalifornien Fisch und Wild. Unser Service Flagge. 187. E. NEILSEN E. W. SCHRAUBE H. L. NEHF H.R. DUNBAR V. GOODMAN CLAUDE CHRISTIANSON CLARENCE CHRISTIANSON M. S. E. HEMEY CLESSENS C. HILLARD R. ELKINS HZV GEMEINDE WICHTIGE BESTIMMUNGEN DES THEjSeC. Zugvögel VERTRAG HANDELN. Sec. 1. Titel: Die Zugvögel Vertrag handeln. Sec. 2. , Icilling, Transport oder Verkauf von Zugvögeln oder ihre Nester und Eier ist untersagt. Sec. 3. Tlie Sekrete
2066 x 1209 px | 35 x 20,5 cm | 13,8 x 8,1 inches | 150dpi
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. California fish and game. Fisheries -- California; Game and game-birds -- California; Fishes -- California; Animal Population Groups; Pêches; Gibier; Poissons. CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME. OUR SERVICE FLAG. 187. E. NEILSEN E. W. BOLT H. L. NEHF H. R. DUNBAR V. GOODMAN CLAUDE CHRISTIANSON CLARENCE CHRISTIANSON M. S. HEMEY E. CLESSENS C. HILLARD R. ELKINS C. O. WARD IMPORTANT PROVISIONS OF THEjSeC. MIGRATORY BIRD TREATY ACT. Sec. 1. Title: The Migratory Bird Treaty Act. Sec. 2. Taking, Icilling, transportation or sale of migratory birds or their nests or eggs is pro- hibited. Sec. 3. Tlie Secretary of Agriculture has power to authorize from time to time the killing or capturing of certain species or extend the season, etc. These authorizations become effective only when approved by the President. Sec. 4. Shipment of protected birds. eggs and nests from one state, province or territory into an- other, or exportation and im- portation is prohibited. Sec. 5. Violators may be arrested with- out warrant by an authorized agent of the Department of Agriculture and brought to trial. Birds, eggs and nests seized from such i^ersons are confiscated and disposed of by the court. Sec. G. A convicted person shall be guilty of misdemeanor and shall be fined not more than $500 or imprisoned not more than six months, or both. States may make additional laws for protection as they see fit. Sec. 8. For scientific purposes migratory birds may be killed or cap- tured ; they may also be shipped if packages are clearly marked. Sec. 9. Unexpended balances of money appropriations are reappro- priated to be expended for ex- penses of carrying into effect the provisions of the act and for payment of rent, salaries, etc. Employees are not ex- empted from the military draft. Sec. 10. If any clause of the act is held invalid by a court, that shall not affect any of the other clauses. Sec. 11. All acts or parts of acts incon- sistent with the act are re- pealed. Sec. 12. The breeding of migratory g