. Journal of Radiology . für zwei Tage gelegt. Zwei Wochen später hatte er eine Page Eighteen PAGETS-KRANKHEIT – eine Art CARMAN- UND CARRICK-Angriff und war unbewusst. Er wurde drei Monate im Bett gehalten und hatte während dieser Zeit eine stumpf anhaltende Schmerzen in der Lendenwirbelregion. Er ging mit einem Stock, in einer stoopedposition, und klagte über Schmerzen und Steifheit im Rücken. Die Hehade musste vier- bis fünfmal nachts und drei- oder viermal am Tag urinieren.Klinische Befunde.der Patient hatte offenbar keine Statur und hatte eine Nodeformität der Extremitäten. Sein Nolsulphonephthalin-Test war
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. Journal of radiology . laid up for twodays. Two weeks later he had an Page Eighteen PAGETS DISEASE—CARMAN AND CARRICK attack of some kind and was un-conscious. He was kept in bedfor three months and during thistime had a dull continuous painin the lumbar region. He walkedabout with a cane, in a stoopedposition, and complained of painand stiffness in the back. Hehad had to urinate four or fivetimes during the night and threeor four times during the day.Clinical Findings.The patient apparently had notdecreased in stature and had nodeformity of the extremities. His nolsulphonephthalein test wasnormal. The Wassermann testwas negative. Roentgenologic Findings.In the general examination ofthe patient plates were made of thekidneys, ureters and bladder. Onthe appearance of the spine andsacro iliac region a diagnosis ofmetastasis was made. The patientwas returned to the roentgen lab-oratory for re-examination and at-tention was drawn to the size andshape of the head. Plates of thehead were made and showed defin-. Fig. XIV.—Case 343042—Marked involvement of thepelvis, right hip, and femur, with early imvolvementof the left hip. head was enlarged and pyramidalshaped. He had mature right andleft senile cataracts. The systolicblood pressure was 125, the dias-tolic 70. The blood count wasnormal. The urine contained aslight amount of albumin and afew pus cells. The combined phe- Page Nineteen ite osteitis deformans (Fig. 13).Case 15 (343042) Mr, D. B., aged 46, came to theClinic December 7, 1920 com-plaining of a tumor in the regionof the left hip. About 14 years before the pa-tient began to notice that his right PAGETS DISEASE—C thigh was becoming bowed andhis leg getting shorter. This pro-gressed for three years, unaccom-panied by pain or other symptoms.Six and one-half years before, while playing tennis, he had hada sudden attack of severe pain inthe sacral region, not sufficient, however, to confine him to bed.Six months later when running tocatch a boat, he fell and