. Jahresbericht . l Zoological Park, Washington, D. C. Wolverine Weasel Wolverine aus British Columbia, Wolverine von Robert Walcott in Labrador getötet ....Weasel oder American Ermine in White Winter Coat .... Otter im New Yorker Zoologischen Park. Stachelschwein Rot Eichhörnchen Grau Eichhörnchen . Chipmunk Meeresmöwe essen einen Fisch. ... Abrufen einer Möwe . . Merganser Mit Kapuze. Schnappen Schildkröten in Quest of Young Birds Mossback Schildkröte Essen eine Gallinule Pintail Ente - Männlich und Weiblich Golden Eye Ente - Männlich und Weiblich Coot (oder Mud-Hen) und Nest am wenigsten Bittern und Nest . Rattenschnabel Grebe und Nest mit Young Bi
2591 x 965 px | 21,9 x 8,2 cm | 8,6 x 3,2 inches | 300dpi
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. Annual report . l Zoological Park, Washington, D. C. Wolverine Weasel Wolverine from British Columbia , Wolverine Killed by Robert Walcott in Labrador ....Weasel or American Ermine in White Winter Coat .... Otter in the New York Zoological Park . Porcupine Red Squirrel Gray Squirrel . Chipmunk Sea Gull Eating a Fish . ... Retrieving a Gull . . Hooded Merganser . Snapping Turtles in Quest of Young Birds Mossback Turtle Eating a Gallinule Pintail Duck — Male and Female Golden Eye Duck — Male and Female Coot (or Mud-Hen) and Nest Least Bittern and Nest . Pied-Billed Grebe and Nest with Young Birds Pied-Billed Grebe Watching Its Nest Map of Townships 5, 6, 40, and 41, Hamilton County, N. Y. A Loon on Its Nest Lower Spruce Slope — Medium Stand . . Upper Spruce Slope — Medium Stand White Cedar .... Hemlock and Yellow Birch —Bottom Land Facing PAGE 33433433433433433433433433433433433433433433433433433433433433433433633834°344352352354356358360362 36436636837°37437°384384 Preface. HE preparation of the Annual Report of theCommission, in this enlarged or supple-mentary form, requires so much time andcare that its publication has been delayed beyondthe date which appears on the title page. It hasbeen the custom of the Commission to issue itsAnnual Report promptly in January of each yearas required by law, but in pamphlet form, con-taining the usual financial statement and a briefrecord of the more important work accomplished, together with such suggestions or recommenda-tions for further legislation as seemed advisable.This pamphlet was followed in time by thelarger, supplementary volume, bound in cloth, containing additional articles and illustrations ofa character pertinent to the various linesof work and interests included within the scopeand province of the Commission. The department official to whom is entrustedthe work of collecting and editing the material for this larger volume, togetherwith the selection of the illustrations, is unable to devote any time