. Instrumente und Methoden in der Radiometrie verwendet, III - die photoelektrische Zelle und andere selektive Radiometer . ^ = iXio^^ Ampere ist leicht an einem Singleflügel von nur zwei Sekunden zu erreichen.^^ Tests wurden an einem Zweispuleninstrument mit einem Gesamtwiderstand von 1300 Ohm durchgeführt. Mit einem Schwungeinschlag von nur zwei Sekunden und einer Skala von 2 m betrug die Stromempfindlichkeit ^ = 2,7X10^^ Ampere. Ein Vierspulenset-Instrument mit einem Gesamtwiderstand von 5300 Ohm und einer starken Suspensionunter ähnlichen Bedingungen hatte eine Stromempfindlichkeit von ^ = 6.2 X loampere, oder 8Xio^^ Ampere für einen Widerstand von i Ohm.^^ davon ist es entfernt
1884 x 1327 px | 31,9 x 22,5 cm | 12,6 x 8,8 inches | 150dpi
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. Instruments and methods used in radiometry, III - The photoelectric cell and other selective radiometers . ^ = iXio^^ ampere is easily attained on a singleswing of only two seconds.^^ Tests were made upon a two-coilinstrument having a total resistance of 1300 ohms. Using asingle swing of only two seconds and scale at 2 m the currentsensitivity was ^ = 2.7X10^^ ampere. A four-coil instrument, having a total resistance of 5300 ohms and a heavy suspensionunder similar conditions, had a current sensitivity of ^ = 6.2 X loamperes, or 8Xio^^ ampere for a resistance of i ohm.^^ From this it is evident that a current sensitivity of 2^ = i X lO^^ampere is easily attained, which from personal experience is fargreater than will be required for spectral transmission and reflec-tion investigations in the blue, violet, and ultra-violet. A test was made of the radi-ation sensitivity of a potassiumhydride cell (No. 113, made byDr. Kunz) when combined witha low-resistance galvanometer(84 ohms) and the above-men-tioned high-resistance galvanom-eter of 5300 ohms. The testshowed that when using the high- Ground. Fig. 5.—Connections of apparatus whenusing a galvanometer with a photo-electric cell resistance instrument the radiation sensitivity was at least 10times as great as when using the low-resistance galvanometer.The computed sensitivity was only 8 times that of the low-resistance galvanometer. In these tests a 500-watt tungsten stereopticon lamp and also aNemst glower were used as a source of light. The spectrum wasproduced by a short-focus, high-intensity illuminator, ^^ having alight flint-glass prism and interchangeable plano-convex lenses ofquartz and triple achromatic lenses of glass. The arrangement of the apparatus when using a galvanometerfor measuring the photoelectric current is shown in Fig. 5. Inorder to eliminate leakage currents in the circuit, Nathansongrounded the terminal of the galvanometer which ordinarilywould be connected to the negative pole of the battery.