In this Sept. 11, 2012 photo, Jim Ponce leads a group of visitors on a tour of The Breakers Hotel in Palm Beach, Fla. No place in this storied playground of the rich evokes as much history as The Breakers and no one knows the sprawling resort's story better than Ponce. Sixty years after first coming to work as a front-desk clerk at the hotel, 95-year-old Ponce still serves as the in-house historian, showing up every Tuesday to offer a tour to guests. He dresses in period clothes, this day most notable for a red blazer, Panama hat and brass-handled ebony walking stick. And from the frescoed cei

In this Sept. 11, 2012 photo, Jim Ponce leads a group of visitors on a tour of The Breakers Hotel in Palm Beach, Fla. No place in this storied playground of the rich evokes as much history as The Breakers and no one knows the sprawling resort's story better than Ponce. Sixty years after first coming to work as a front-desk clerk at the hotel, 95-year-old Ponce still serves as the in-house historian, showing up every Tuesday to offer a tour to guests. He dresses in period clothes, this day most notable for a red blazer, Panama hat and brass-handled ebony walking stick. And from the frescoed cei Stockfoto


Personen auf Fotos:

Jim Ponce


Associated Press / Alamy Stock Foto




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11. September 2012


J Pat Carter

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