. Illustrierte 1902 Katalog: Samen choicest Garten und Bauernhof Saatgut, Sprühpumpen, Werkzeuge, ferilizers, etc.. Baumschulen Oregon Portland Kataloge; Gemüse; Blumen Samen Samen Kataloge Kataloge; Gartengeräte und Zubehör Kataloge; Obstbäume Sämlinge Kataloge. 12 PORTLAND'S SEED COMPANY KATALOG. Karotte.. Die besi Kleine und lOe; 14 lb. Drei bis vier Kilo Saatgut bis zum Morgen. Dieses Gemüse gelingt am besten in sandigem Lehm. Für die frühe Ernte säen im Frühjahr. Für späte Ernte, Aussaat bis Mitte Juni. In Bohrer ein Zoll tief und 18 Zoll auseinander zu säen, Ausdünnen, um drei oder
2004 x 1247 px | 33,9 x 21,1 cm | 13,4 x 8,3 inches | 150dpi
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. Illustrated 1902 catalogue : seeds choicest garden and farm seed, spray pumps, tools, ferilizers, etc.. Nursery stock Oregon Portland Catalogs; Vegetables Seeds Catalogs; Flowers Seeds Catalogs; Gardening Equipment and supplies Catalogs; Fruit trees Seedlings Catalogs. 12 PORTLAND SEED COMPANY'S CATALOGUE. Carrot.. The besi small and lOe; 14 lb. Three to four pounds of seed to the acre. This vegetable succeeds best in rich sandy loam. For early crop sow in the spring. For late crops, sow until the middle of June. Sow in drills one inch deep and eighteen inches apart, thinning out to three or four inches. y ^jFrencli Forcing, forcing variety. Red. round. Pkt. 5c: 1 oz. SOf^; 1 lb. $1.00. ^ Early Scarlet Short Horn. Fine grain and flavor. Pkt. r)c: 1 ozi' lOo: 14 lb. 35c: 1 lb. $1.00. V Ox-Heart or Half-Iiong Guerande. This carrot is one of the most valuable, either for fam- ily use or market. It is of extra quality and very productive. Pkt. 5cyl oz. 10c: 14 lb. 30c; 1 lb. SOc. {/ Half-IiOng Scarlet Stump Rooted. A little later than the Horn varieties, but equal to them in grain and quality. Pkt. .5c: 1 oz. 10c; 1^ lb. 35c; 1 lb. $1.0:1. â â¢^.Nantes Half-Long. Stump- rooted and excellent for forcing. Pkt. 5c: 1 oz. 10c; % lb. 35c; 1 lb. $1.00. No. 1âDanver's rtair-L, ong. No. No. 2âLong Orange. No. io. Scarlet Stump Rooted. No. 4âh'rench l^ orcing. Early Scarlet Horn. 6â'Ox-Heart. y ^ Danver's Half-Long Orange. The best va- | riety foi- general crop. Tt is of rich orange color and heavy yielder. A splendid keeper. Valuable for table use as well as for stock. Pkt. 5c; 1 oz. K»c, ^ 1/4 lb. .30c: 1 lb. 85c. If Chautenay. A stump-rooted variety having an unusually broad shoulder. One of the very best carrots for either private use or market garden. Pkt. 5c; 1 oz. 10c; 14 lb. 35c: 1 lb. $1.00. ^^mproved Long Orange. The old standard and , ]iopular variety. Tt grows to a large size, some specimens averaging twelve inches in length. Enormous crops can be grown un