Hunderte Demonstranten versammelten sich am Sonntag, den 14. April 2024, am Brandenburger Tor in Berlin, um unter dem Banner "Hände weg von Israel! Wir stehen gemeinsam gegen den Terror des iranischen Regimes." Die Veranstaltung am Pariser Platz war geprägt von Aufrufen zur Solidarität mit Israel nach den beispiellosen direkten Angriffen aus iranischem Boden. Die Redner der Veranstaltung hoben den Start von Hunderten von Drohnen und Kreuzfahrtraketen durch den Iran als eine erhebliche Eskalation hervor. Die Versammlung betonte, dass der Iran nicht nur eine regionale, sondern auch eine internationale Bedrohung sei. Der Aufruhr beim Berliner Demonstrat
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Hundreds of demonstrators gathered at Berlin's Brandenburg Gate on Sunday, April 14, 2024, rallying under the banner "Hands Off Israel! We stand together against the terror of the Iranian regime." The event at Pariser Platz was marked by calls for solidarity with Israel following the unprecedented direct attacks from Iranian soil. Speakers at the event highlighted the launch of hundreds of drones and cruise missiles by Iran as a significant escalation. The gathering emphasized the perception of Iran as not merely a regional but an international threat. The rallying cry at the Berlin demonstration noted that Germany and the EU should not hesitate to take a tough stance against Tehran. The perceived direct threat by Iran led to an immediate and severe reaction from Western nations, including Germany. Western states, alongside calls from the public demonstrated in Berlin, condemned the attacks and discussed potential responses. During the rally at Berlin's Brandenburg Gate, prominent speakers such as Volker Beck, Ottilie Klein, and Andreas Audretsch took the stage to express their strong condemnation of Iran's recent actions and to emphasize the necessity for a united, firm stance against the aggression. Speakers strongly advocated for severing all forms of cooperation with Iran, stressing the need for immediate and comprehensive actions against entities associated with Iranian aggression. They called for the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) to be officially designated as a terrorist organization. Additionally, the speakers proposed expanding sanctions to include Iranian proxies operating within Germany, such as specific Islamic centers known for their affiliations with Tehran. They stressed that these measures were necessary to prevent these groups from furthering Iranian interests and ideologies on German soil. Police heavily secured the protest. (Photo by Michael Kuenne/PRESSCOV/Sipa USA)
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