---- Fußgänger vorbei an einer Werbung für Lashou.com in Shanghai, China, 27. Juli 2011. Der Finanzvorstand der Lashou, eine chinesische Gruppe kaufen - Website,
--File--Pedestrians walk past an advertisement for Lashou.com in Shanghai, China, 27 July 2011. The CFO of Lashou, a Chinese group-buying website, has quit his position. Some suspect it could be due to the companys failed attempt at listing its shares in October last year, followed by its official listing cancellation last week, according to Chinas tech.qq.com, subsidiary of Chinas internet company Tencent. The CFO, Zhang Jian, joined the company early last year to try to promote its listing program. Lashou had tried to go public last December and in April, following the failure to list last October. Many Chinese internet companies have successfully implemented their listing in the US stock market last year but prices have fallen under the original listing price within a short time after the initial publication offering. Even the US group-buying website Groupon and the social website Facebook, a historical IPO for the technology industry, could not stop their stock from dropping immediately after listing.