Fünf nummerierten Szenen, jedes nach einem Maler in der Galleria dell'Accademia degl'Incamminati, vom IL FUNERALE D'Agostino CARRACCIO FATTO IN BOLOGNA SUA PATRIA DAGL'INCAMINATI Academici del Disegno: 1. Tugend vanquishing Neid und Fortune, bemalt von Giulio Cesare Parigino; 2. Apollo und die Musen am Grab von Agostino Carracci, bemalt von Luigi Valesio; 3. Merkur, der auf eine Konstellation mit der Personifikation der Malerei und der Stadt Bologna, Felsina, bemalt von Aurelio Benelli; 4. Personifizierung der Malerei durch Poesie getröstet, und die Personifizierung eines Flusses im rechten, lackiert b
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Five numbered scenes, each after a painter in the Accademia Degl'Incamminati, from IL FUNERALE D'AGOSTINO CARRACCIO FATTO IN BOLOGNA SUA PATRIA DAGL'INCAMINATI Academici del Disegno: 1. Virtue vanquishing Envy and Fortune, painted by Giulio Cesare Parigino; 2. Apollo and the Muses at the tomb of Agostino Carracci, painted by Luigi Valesio; 3. Mercury pointing to a constellation with the personification of Painting and that of the city of Bologna, Felsina, painted by Aurelio Benelli; 4. Personification of Painting being comforted by Poetry, and the personification of a river at right, painted by Lodovico Carracci; 5. Allegory of Knowledge and Vigilance chasing Envy out of Heaven, painted by Lorenzo Garbieri. Artist: Guido Reni (Italian, Bologna 1575-1642 Bologna); After Ludovico Carracci (Italian, Bologna 1555-1619 Bologna); After Giulio Cesare Parigini (Italian, active Bologna ca. 1603-1619); After Giovanni Luigi Valesio (Italian, 1583-1633); After Aurelio Bonelli (Italian, Bologna 1569-after 1620); After Lorenzo Garbieri (Italian, Bologna 1580/82-1654 Bologna). Dimensions: Sheet (Trimmed): 4 1/2 × 4 11/16 in. (11.5 × 11.9 cm). Series/Portfolio: IL FUNERALE D'AGOSTIN CARRACCIO FATTO IN BOLOGNA SUA PATRIA DAGL'INCAMINATI Academici del Disegno. Date: 1603. One of seven plates by Reni that illustrate the temporary decorations for the memorial service for the painter Agostino Carracci, from IL FUNERALE D'AGOSTINO CARRACCIO FATTO IN BOLOGNA SUA PATRIA DAGL'INCAMINATI Academici del Disegno, a quarto volume also containing a frontispiece by Francesco Brizio and a description of the service written by Vittorio Benacci; published in Bologna in 1603 (see also 51.501.4890, 4891, 4892). Museum: Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA.