. Fünf Dekaden, MDCCCLIII-MCMIII; historische Aufzeichnung. Inent Bürger und Klerus. Polizeichef Wittman und die Geheimen Dienstmänner und Vertreter der Associated Press, Auf dem Podest besetzten Sitze.Alle Gäste wurden mit 18-Zoll-Amerikanerflaggen versehen und als Präsident Roosevelt auf die Platt-Form trat, schlug das Orchester den Star-Spangled Bannerund das Publikum stand sofort auf und grüßete ihn mit einem Flaggenempfang. Die gesamte Partei ging wild withenthusiasm und es war einige Zeit, bevor Ruhe wieder hergestellt wurde.der Anlass war wirklich das Ereignis der Präsidenten V
1323 x 1888 px | 22,4 x 32 cm | 8,8 x 12,6 inches | 150dpi
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. Five decades, MDCCCLIII-MCMIII; historical record. inent citizens and clergy. Chief of PoliceWittman and the Secret Service men and representativesof the Associated Press, occupied seats on the platform.All the guests were provided with eighteen-inch Americanflags and when President Roosevelt stepped upon the plat-form the orchestra struck up The Star-Spangled Bannerand the audience immediately arose to their feet and greetedhim with a flag reception. The entire party went wild withenthusiasm and it was some time before quiet was restored.The occasion was really the event of the Presidents visit.The local committee on the Presidential visit conferred uponthe Association the greatest honor that could have been de-sired in giving to it the first place on the program; the Presi-dent had been in the city less than three hours before comingto the Association building. The mortgage and notes were incinerated in a brazierof ancient design made especially for the occasion, — an ele-gant afiair contributed by the California Artistic and Metal. MKS. JOHN 1-. MERRILL, Chairrtian of tlie Motliers Tribute Iuiid Comiuitlce, wliicli committee succeeded in raising 5^3, 749.55 for the buildiiiy: intlL-bteiliiess. Mrs. Merrill is one of the first ladies of San Francisco. Tin-: LAST nr.rADK. 73 Wire Cotnpaiiw through the kiiul otiices ot Dr. I lartlaiulLaw, chairman of the I^inance Committee. At the close of President Rooseelts address, PresidentWatt, in the name of the trustees and directors, presentedhim with a solitl ^n)ld official pin, emblem of the 1 oim^ MensChristian Association, suitably inscribed as to the occasion.The Board of Directors also made l^resident Rooseelt a lifemember of the Association. A most elegant basket of choicelilies was presented to the President by Mrs. John V. Merrilland later was sent to his suite at the Palace Hotel. No public institution in the history of San Francisco hassecured so large an amount of money by popular subscriptionas the San Franc