Freunde und Verwandte machen Fotos von einem Gujjar (Nomaden) Bräutigam, bevor sie während der Hochzeitszeremonie im Dorf Sangerwani im Bezirk Pulwama, 75 km südlich von Srinagar, der Sommerhauptstadt der Himalaya-Region in Kaschmir, zum Haus der Braut aufbrechen. Trotz der exponentiellen Entwicklung von Autos verwenden einige nomadische Stämme noch Pferde und Palanquins für Hochzeiten. Eine neue Studie der Tribal Research and Cultural Foundation, einer Frontalorganisation der Gujjar-Gemeinschaft, zeigt, dass 88 Prozent der Gujjars (Nomaden) in Jammu und Kaschmir bis zu 600 US-Dollar für eine Ehe ausgeben
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Friend and relatives take photos of a Gujjar (nomad) groom before leaves for bride's home during the marriage ceremony at Sangerwani village in Pulwama district, 75 km south of Srinagar, the summer capital of the Himalayan region of Kashmir. Despite the exponential development of automobiles, some nomadic tribes still use horses and palanquins for weddings. A new study conducted by the Tribal Research and Cultural Foundation, a frontal organization of the Gujjar (nomadic) community, reveals that 88 percent of Gujjars (nomads) in Jammu and Kashmir spend up to 600 U.S. dollars on a marriage ceremony, and 89 percent of Gujjars (nomads) arrange the first marriage of their children at the age of 14 to 18. Around 72 percent of girls got engaged to relative boys at the time of birth or at the age of 6. Around 99.3 percent of Gujjars (nomads) in Jammu and Kashmir state are Muslims, the study said. The pastoral community of Gujjars (nomads), an ethnic group mostly in Jammu and Kashmir, India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, has a unique culture. They speak a different language, Gujjari, than others living in the region. The 2011 Indian census puts the Gujjar (nomad) population at nearly 1.5 million, comprising 11.9 percent of the state's total population and making them the most populous scheduled tribe in Jammu and Kashmir. Despite the exponential development of automobiles, some nomadic tribes still use horses and palanquins for weddings. A new study by the Tribal Research and Cultural Foundation reveals that 88 percent of Gujjars (nomads) in Jammu and Kashmir spend up to 600 U.S. dollars on a marriage ceremony. Additionally, 89 percent arrange the first marriage of their children between the ages of 14 and 18, with around 72 percent of girls getting engaged to relatives at birth or by age 6. The study also notes that 99.3 percent of Gujjars in Jammu and Kashmir are Muslims. The Gujjars, a pastoral community with a unique culture and language (Gujjari), are the most populous sc
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