. Floristen Review [microform]. Blumenzucht. PITTSBURGH UND UMGEBUNG F. T. D.-A.-W. Smith Flov ^Er speichert Firma Keenan Building, Pittsburgh, PA. ? Pittsburgh, Pa/535 WOOD STREET Prompt F. T. D. Service in Stadt und Umgebung, von Blumen - Früchte in Kunst, entweder separat oder in Kombination alle Bestellungen erwidert McCLEMENTS Pittsburgh, PA. DAVE HILL &Amp; CO.Fifth Ave. und Holz St. GEÖFFNET SONNTAG QUICK SERVICE Pittsburgh, PA FRAU. E. WILLIAMS 621 PENN AVENUE Mitglied F. T. D. PITTSBURGH E.C LUDWIG FLORAL CO710 E. Dianond Straße Mitglieder F. T. D. Pittsburgh, PA RANDOLPH&M
2371 x 1054 px | 40,1 x 17,8 cm | 15,8 x 7 inches | 150dpi
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. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. PITTSBURGH AND VICINITY F. T. D. Service A. W. Smith Flov^er Stores Company Keenan Building, PITTSBURGH, PA. ?Pittsburgh, Pa/ 535 WOOD STREET Prompt F. T. D. Service in city and vicinity, of Flowers—Fruit in art arrangements, either separate or in combination All Orders Reciprocated McCLEMENTS PITTSBURGH, PA. DAVE HILL & CO. Fifth Ave. and Wood St. OPEN SUNDAY QUICK SERVICE Pittsburgh, Pa. MRS. E. A. WILLIAMS 621 PENN AVENUE Member F. T. D. PITTSBURGH E. C LUDWIG FLORAL CO. 710 E. Dianond Street Members F. T. D. Pittsburgh, Pa. RANDOLPH & McCLEMENTS FLORAL EXPERTS 5936 PENN AVENUE Members of the Florists' Telegraph Delivery PITTSBURGH, PA. Ludwig Floral Co. 502 FEDERAL STREET. T-HINK! Everything in Flowers -* GRAKELOW'S Member Florists' Telegraph Dellrery Association Broad Street at Cumberland, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Philadelphia AND SUBURBAN ORDERS EXECUTED WITH GOOD TaSTE AND PROMPTNESS Joseph Josephs IWCOLUMBIA AVENU^ PHILADELPHIA Charles Henry Fox I will never send you an order less than $5.00. TITUSVILLE, PA. WM. A. MURDOCH. ^^i"g awake business man, familiar with the prominence of the bereaved family. He goes the limit to have his offering the best he can arrange for the money he receives for it; not a detail is omitted to impress on that family his artistic ability or his service. The result is that the eyes of this family are opened to the fact that their florist is not the only one in their city who can arrange a fine funeral offering. Then did you ever stop to think that the mere fact that this telegraph order came from someone of their own station in life gives pres- tige in the eyes of the family to this hitherto unknown florist? Rapid Progress. I know personally a young florist who is rapidly making good, who uses every incoming telegraph order as an adver- tising medium. In these days we hear much about direct advertising. What could be more direct than to demon- strate to every new prospect that