. Floristen Review [microform]. Blumenzucht. 1924 L 71st St Chicago Deliverio ina<! c Lo ein Teil (lie aty und subuibs. Sa-ner bin BOtta Chicago, Ill. Kongress FLOWER SHOP T.C. FOGARTY. Mgr. 520 S. Michigan Ave. Congress Hotel MEMBEK t. X.D. • i/V/Wir 1^/zu denen 0 ICH EIN % ^J^^" "o CTKI reauire Y %/^^^^^ CHICAGO die Besten. o) ^^^^^ eSTABLISHEft Preise 18 6 5 angemessenen^A r4 G17 GRAND BLVD. CHICAGO SWANSON, das Blumengeschäft Gewächshäuser: STORE: 302 N. Western Ave 6973 N. Clark St. gut gelegen North Shore zu bewältigen. Mitglied F. T. D. CHICAGO Avondale Flower Shop^"
1984 x 1260 px | 33,6 x 21,3 cm | 13,2 x 8,4 inches | 150dpi
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. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. 1924 L 71st St Chicago Deliverio ina<!c lo any part of (lie aty and subuibs. Sa- ner is am BOtta CHICAGO, ILL. CONGRESS FLOWER SHOP T. C. FOGARTY. Mgr. 520 S. Michigan Ave. Congress Hotel MEMBEK t. X. D. • i/V/ We cater 1 ^/ to those 0I A%^ J^ ^'"o CTKI Y %/ ^ reauire ^^^^CHICAGO the best. o) ^'^^eSTABLISHEft Prices ^^ 18 6 5 reasonable ^A r 4G17 GRAND BLVD. CHICAGO SWANSON, The Florist GREENHOUSES: STORE: '302 N. Western Ave. 6973 N. Clark St. Well located to handle North Shore orders. Member F. T. D. CHICAGO Avondale Flower Shop ^"'i"-'- .^•'»'''p~p- CHICAGO 2132-2134 Michigan Avenue Member F. T. D.. Orders ^. y Carefully Lxecuted EVANSTON, ILL. WILMETTE, ILL« 1614 Sherman Ave. JOHN WEIL AND 1161 Wilmette Ave. IWO STORES Cktarinar to the bMttr«le io Chlevo's Bieh North Share Soborfae. MEMBER F. T. D 3182 Milwaukee Ave GEORGE FISHER & BRO. 183 N. WABASH AVE. CHICAGO Flowers V^^/^C^ ^^^• for all TZO^^S^ ^ Lake View 3912 North Clark St.. CHICAGO in ?vliich lliosf inon stood by them in their fight to liiml the convention for next year. Ferdinand Ouertli Mini Louis Glick liave formed a iiartnership to conduct a commission liouse at HIO 8t. Paul street. Botli of tliese youiiK men art' live wires and their friends in Ijotli liranclies of tlie business ;ire legion. Tate. BOSTON NOTES. (I'liiilimicd ficin ;i Icu-wanl |ini;c, i Flower Growers' Association. The New England brancli of tin- Flower Growers' Association met Octo- ber 8 at the Hotel IJellevue, Bojicon street. Some of the local leaders were absent, being ea route to Toronto, and a driving rain storm frightened others away, but the meeting, nevertheless, was a good one, being of the constructive type, and the oratory was not of the vapid, meaningless kind. After an ex- cellent dinner had l>een enjoyed, Thomas MKMBER F. T, D. 'imM GEO. WITTBOLD CO. Established lt«7 745 Buckingham Place CACS.CC L.D.Phonelll2Gr«celaiid ^^^ 11V>