Flämischer Minister für Bildung und Tierschutz und Sport Ben Weyts bekommt bei einem Besuch im Zentrum einen Haarschnitt Zum Lernen und Arbeiten in Kortrijk
Flemish Minister of Education and Animal Welfare and Sports Ben Weyts gets a haircut during a visit to the Center for Learning and Working in Kortrijk, Monday 15 March 2021. Flemish minister Weyts, director-general of Catholic Education Flanders Boeve and chairman of the Vlaamse Scholierenkoepel Notte visit the Center for Learning and Working in Kortrijk, to mark the first day that more is possible in our education. Not only will students be able to return to campus one day a week, extracurricular activities will be possible again in compulsory education and all special education will be able to return to school full-time. Pupils in part-time vocational secondary education also receive all their lessons at school again. The minister, the director-general and the chairman are welcomed in the CLW by students from the hairdressing school, who immediately do practical exercises on the visitors. BELGA PHOTO DIRK WAEM
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