Farbe Riyolod Monarch Räuber Bollix. Die GUTTAPERCHA UND GUMMI MFG. Co.35 Warren Street New York. RN-HARRISON BAND! Der KRÄMER PATENTE! Eeemo=y H. W. JOHNS ASBESTMATERIALIEN VULCABESTON. H. W. JOHNS MFG. Co.alleiniger Hersteller 87 Malden Lane New York. 37 Jahren gegründet, und gegenwärtig sind die größten Aufzug funktioniert in der Welt. OTIS BROTHERS & Co Allgemeine Büros 38 Park Row New York City und Niederlassungen in fast jeder Auftraggeber Stadt auf dem Globus. Aufzüge für Passagiere und Fracht. Sie sind reibungslose eco COMPTOMETER Probleme mithilfe der Comptometer. Spart 40 Prozent
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Paint Riyolod Monarch Robber Bollix. THE GUTTA PERCHA AND RUBBER MFG. CO. 35 Warren Street New York. RN- HARRISON CONVEYOR! The CHANDLER PATENTS! Eeemo=y H. W. JOHNS' ASBESTOS MATERIALS VULCABESTON. H. W. JOHNS MFG. CO. Sole Manufacturers 87 Malden Lane New York. Established 37 years and at present the largest Elevator Works in the world. OTIS BROTHERS & CO. General Offices 38 Park Row New York City and branch offices in nearly every principal city on the globe. Elevators for Passengers and Freight. They are smooth-running eco COMPTOMETER PROBLEMS by using the Comptometer. Saves 40 per cent. of time. Entire relief from mental strain Adapted to all commercial and scientific computations. Send for circular. TO BUSINESS MEN MATERIAL NEWARK N REMINGTON STANDARD TYPEWRITER. Cold Medal-Paris ExpomitIon 1889. Wyckoff Seamans & Benedict 327 BROADWAY NEW YORK. POP SAFETY VALVE WATER RELIEF VALVE IMPROVED STEAM GAGE STEAM ENGINE INDICATOR OATES ROCK & ORE BREAKER PRINTING INKS. Seven New Styles and Sixes ALL LOADED WITH Teansparent 'Obv evils m Inside Page. each insertion 75 cents aline. Rack Pairs ench inserlion 81.00 a line. STAR HACK SAW.:res Fallen C1c Victor Bicycles Chicopee Falls Mass. NEW KODAKS 'OOLS NEW ERA COLUMBIA CYCLES LADIES' OP GENTLEMEN'S SAFETIESTANOEMSAFEITES —TRICYCLES HIGHEST .GRADENLY kuxu yom‘v BOSTON. NEW YORK. CHICAG LIMITER AMMICAS Int TEP01:CO. .sduw eaed-onno0 001 THE BEST FOR READY-REFERENCE. DODD MEAD & COMPANY Publishers 153 & 155 Broadway New York. THE INTERNATIONAL CYCLOPEDIA ESTABLISHED HALF A CENTURY. SAFES THAT Via WELL REPAY Atf INVESTIGATION TFPEDvETRE To sEcbRz THE BEST SAFE A1ARVIN SAFE CO. NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA LONDON. ENCLAND. BRIGUT SPARKLING WATER If Filter is CI mood Onoe Eoch Day. Car he Cleaned to 10 lihroatev. LARGE SIZES FOR MILLS AND WATER WORKS. NATIONAL WATER PURIFYING CO. CATES IRON WORKS CHICAGO., scientific american, 1890-02-08