. Elektrische Eisenbahnzeitschrift . entsis ausgestattet mit achtzehn Oberlichtern, jeweils 6 ft. X 12 ft. Diese 2. September 1911.] ELEKTRISCHE EISENBAHN JOURNAL 383 Oberlichter haben Metallrahmen inclosing Drahtglas und eachskylight wird von einem Kernschen Ventilator überragt, der einen kontinuierlichen Luftstrom aus dem Gebäude zurückziehen soll. Die einzigen brennbaren Materialien in der gesamten Shop-Struktur sind die Holzfensterflügel, der Ahornboden im Master-Mechaniker-Büro und die Außentüren. Alle Eingangstüren sind aus feuerfestem Material gefertigt. Doppelt schiebbare, verzinnte Brandschutztüren mit automatischer Auslösung wurden inst
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. Electric railway journal . entsis furnished by eighteen skylights, each 6 ft. x 12 ft. These September 2, 1911.] ELECTRIC RAILWAY JOURNAL 383 skylights have metal frames inclosing wire glass and eachskylight is surmounted by a Kernschen ventilator designedto withdraw a continuous current of air from the building. The only combustible materials in the entire shop struc-ture are the wooden window sash, the maple floor in themaster mechanics office and the exterior doors. All in-terior doors are made of fireproof material. Double-sliding, tin-clad fire doors with automatic release have been installed REPAIR, TRUCK AND MACHINE SHOPS The general repair shop and the machine shop are de-signed to handle the heaviest work which is required bythe interurban equipment of this road. Two of the threetracks which extend through the general repair shop havepits extending the full length of the shop. The third trackis floored with concrete. The two track pits have heavyconcrete side walls in which are recesses inclosing lamps.. Rockford Shops—Cross-Section Through Center at every opening in the interior partitions, except for thepaint shop, where double Kinnear rolling steel doors havebeen placed at each of the two track openings. The pairof doors on the repair-shop side are hand-operated andthose on the paint-shop side are equipped with automaticclosing devices. The sliding fire doors in the interior fire walls are madeof three thicknesses of flooring laid diagonally and coveredwith No. 26 galvanized iron nailed in place. This iron ispainted with one coat of Dixon graphite paint before being-applied. The doors are hung on sloping tracks and areprovided with counterweights, chains and fusible plugs. After the building was completed the interior walls, Cement steps are provided at both ends of each pit and thefloors of each pit are sloped to three drain openings. As will be noted from the illustrations, the main shop isserved adequately by a system of air hoists with I-beamrunwa