. Elektrische Eisenbahn Zeitschrift . n genau die gleiche Weise. Sie werden getrennt vom Schaffner gebündelt und mit der MilwaukeeCompany OperatesIts Cars inTrains Schaffner verpackt füllt ein Formular aus, das auf der einen Seite die Anzahl der Passagiere in den verschiedenen Zonen zeigt. Auf der Rückseite sind Leerproben für die Meldung der extrabaren Kilometerleistung, der Fahrtnummer, der Abfahrtzeit und der Datenrela-tive zur Anzahl der ausgestellten und gesammelten Transfers vorgesehen. Falls ein Passagier versehentlich mehr als den erforderlichen Tarif in die Tarifbox fallen gelassen hat, wird er vom Schaffner mit einem Rückerstattungsschein überseinettet. Dies wird vom Compan erstattet
1905 x 1312 px | 32,3 x 22,2 cm | 12,7 x 8,7 inches | 150dpi
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. Electric railway journal . n exactly the same manner. They arebundled separately by the conductor and wrapped with The MilwaukeeCompany OperatesIts Cars inTrains conductor fills out a form which shows on the one sidethe number of passengers in the various zones. Onthe reverse side blanks are provided for reporting extracar mileage, trip number, leaving time, and data rela-tive to the number of transfers issued and collected. In case a passenger by mistake has dropped morethan the required fare into the fare box, he is suppliedby the conductor with a refund slip. This is refundedby the company upon presentation at the transportationdepartment office in the Public Service Building in Mil-waukee. The reverse side of this slip is a receipt whichthe passenger signs upon receiving his refund. At the end of his tour of duty each conductor turnsin his trip sheets and transfer zone receipts. The At top, a two-car trainin fiont of tlie Publicfciervice Building. Below, multiple unittrain used on some ofthe suburban lines.. what is called a transfer band, which is nothing but amanila sticker with a printed form, on one end to befilled in by the conductor for the purpose of identifi-cation. These are not placed in the fare box, but areturned in separately. On the South Milwaukee lineemployees tickets are placed in the cash opening ofthe Cleveland fare box. On the other lines which em-ploy a fare box of the companys own design the ticketsare placed in a small opening designed for this pur-pose. Cash and metal tokens are dropped into the maincash opening. When the zone system was first inaug-urated an overhead register was used in connection withthe fare box. The overhead register was dispensedwith several years ago, and the method now used foraccounting is comparatively simple. For each trip the fare boxes are turned in at the end of a days run bymen assigned to that work at the carhouses. In thecash opening of each fare box is placed a slip to indicatethe line on which the car