. Electric Railway review . macht die Praxis der Eisenbahnunternehmen soweit durchführbar, damit Reparaturen und Austauschbarkeit erleichtert werden können. Die Untergestell, Überbau, Plattformen, Plattformschweller, Karosserie-Linien, und die Seitenplatten der Autos auf der Außenseite werden-low die Fenster sind aus Stahl in Form von Platten, gepresst. In einem c.Tse. Jeder von denen unabhängig von der anderen wirkt in Bezug auf Volt und Ampere-Messungen. Die Messwerte in Watt und Pferdestärken werden vom Schnittpunkt der zwei Indikatoren ermittelt. Es wird behauptet, dass dieses Gerät als Wattmeter ein ist
2302 x 1086 px | 39 x 18,4 cm | 15,3 x 7,2 inches | 150dpi
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. Electric railway review . sofollows the railway companys practice wherever practicable inorder that repairs and interchangeability may be facilitated. The underframe, superstructure, platforms, platform sills, body carlines, and the side sheets of the cars on the outside be-low the windows are made of steel in the form of plates, pressed. in one c.Tse. each of which acts independently of the other withrespect to volt and ampere readings. The readings in watts andhorsepower are obtained from the point of intersection of thetwo indicators. It is claimed that as a wattmeter this instru-ment is accurate at any voltage within the limits of the voltscale. The watt scale is laid out in actual calibrations with areliable standard which is said to insure accurate results. Thehorsepower scale is obtained mathematically from the watt scale.The instrument has a wide range of uses which will suggestthemselves to the practical engineer. It is claimed to be the onlyIiractical switchboard instrument which will si a reading in. Pressed Steel Passenger Cai—Framework. rolled or built-up parts, according to the requirements and theadaptability of the material. The construction of these cars has been worked out by thePressed Steel Car Company subject to the approval of importantparts by the mechanical superintendent, and the consulting mechan-iral engineer of the Southern Railway. While the construction asa whole, as well as in details, may be more or less changed forfuture similar cars, it shows a decided improvement in the rightdirection, namely, a car offering greater resistance to damage inaccidents as well as minimizing danger to passengers in suchemergency. It is understood that drawings for still further ad- watts and horsepower. While combining four instruments in oneit requires the space of but a single instrument and is thus adaptedto the smallest switchboard panels. The workmanship and materials employed in the manufac-ture of this instrument are of a high order, insuring