. Electric Railway Journal . ying die Anleihen. Die Gesellschaft unterzeichnet die von den Mitarbeitern über sie erworbenen Anleihen, und Abzüge werden von ihren Löhnen zu 20 Prozent im Monat vorgenommen. 614 Electric Railway Journal Vol 52, No. 14 Washington erhöht die Anzahl der Pkw-Meilen und reduziert die Anzahl der Stunden Letzter Beeler-Bericht empfiehlt Änderungen inRouting und Erhöhungen der Zeitplangeschwindigkeit als Ergebnis der EffizienzverfahrenFrüher eingeführt IN ABSCHNITT 12 von John A. Beelers Bericht über die Washington Transportsituation, veröffentlicht in der ersten Septemberwoche, Eine Reihe wichtiger Revisionen in rou
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. Electric railway journal . ying the bonds. The company subscribes for thebonds subsequently purchased through it by employees, and deductions are made from their wages at the rateof 20 per cent a month. 614 Electric Railway Journal Vol 52, No. 14 Washington Increases Car-Milesand Reduces Car-Hours Latest Beeler Report Recommends Changes inRouting and Increases in Schedule Speedas Result of Efficiency MethodsEarlier Introduced IN SECTION 12 of John A. Beelers report on theWashington transportation situation, made publicduring the first week in September, a number of im-portant revisions in routing and schedules are recom-mended. The report is limited to the system of theCapital Traction Company and presumably the sugges-tions for the Washington Railway & Electric Companywill be given later. The suggestions made are due inpart to the radical changes in traffic flow in the nationalcapital, caused by the increase in government em-ployees due to the war, and in part to the introduction 1500 1000 500 1500 1000 500. 769 10 1112 1 23456709 10A. M. P. M. PASSENGER COUNT FOR FOURTEENTH ST. LINE, CAPI-TAL, TRACTION COMPANY. FOR TYPICAL DAY of skip stops, loading platforms, double berthing, pre-cedence for street cars, etc., recommended in priorsections of the report. As a basis for the present report, a traffic surveywas conducted whose results are given in the report.In the rerouting recommended several factors receivedconsideration. One was to retain the old routes exceptwhere there was a legitimate reason for a change asthey naturally were familiar to the residents of Wash-ington. Another was economy of man-power so that allthat was available should be placed where the greatestpossible amount of service would result. Again, wherethrough routes operate from one outlying terminalacross the downtown district to another outlying ter-minal, the traffic on the two was made as nearly equalas possible, for otherwise injustice would be workedeither on the public or on the company,