. Electric Railway Journal . E Bewohner des Parks, um die Reise von ihren Häusern zu machen, um das Business-Center von Denver in etwa einer Stunde.die Seilbahn wird unter der Leitung von Louis W. Vidler gebaut, Bauingenieur, die Offiziere der Lookout Mountain Firma ist: Präsident, Rees C.Vidler; General Manager, L. F. Kimball; Sekretär und Schatzmeister, W. W. Borst. Es wird erwartet, dass die Eröffnung der Eisenbahn den Zugang zu einer Gemeinschaft von Berghäusern zur Zeit unrealisiert in praktikablecommutation Entfernung von Denver bieten wird. Der Hauptsitz des Unternehmens befindet sich in 620 Empire
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. Electric railway journal . e residents of the park to make thejourney from their homes to the busi-ness center of Denver in about an hour.The funicular railway is being built under the directionof Louis W. Vidler, civil engineer, the officers of theLookout Mountain company being: President, Rees C.Vidler; general manager, L. F. Kimball; secretary andtreasurer, W. W. Borst. It is expected that the openingof the railway will provide access to a community ofmountain homes at present unrealized within practicablecommutation distance of Denver. The companys head-quarters are located at 620 Empire Building, Denver, Col. 924 ELECTRIC RAILWAY JOURNAL. [Vol. XXXVIII, No. 17. SINGLE-TRUCK, ARCH-ROOF CARS FOR THE OKLAHOMACITY TRACTION COMPANY A rather interesting design of prepayment car is shownin the accompanying illustration of one of two cars recentlydelivered to the Oklahoma City Traction Company by theAmerican Car Company, St. Louis. These cars are of thevestibule type, with flat arch roof, are 29 ft. 5 in. long over. Single-Truck, Arch-Roof Car for Oklahoma all, and are mounted on Brill No. 21-E single trucks. Theother dimensions of the cars are: Length of body, 20 ft.;width over the sills, 6 ft. 3 in.; width over all, 7 ft. 9 in.;height from rail to sills, 2 ft. 25/£ in.; height of sill to trol-ley base, 8 ft. 10 15/16 in. The car body is built of woodwith a semi-steel underframe, interior trim of cherry andheadlining of three-ply birch veneer. Longitudinal rattanseats are used on both sides, but with a space opposite thethird window on one side for a coal stove. The curtains areof pantasote and their fixtures were furnished by the Cur-tain Supply Company. The motor equipment of one carconsists of two GE-80 motors and of the other car of twoWestinghouse 92-A motors, both inside hung. The illus-tration shows the double folding door used on the exit sideof the motormans platform and the hinged covers for thestep, the covers operating in unison with the doors. AVIATION