. Eisenbahn-Maschinenbauingenieur . ve beeneasily möglich, eine Rundreise ohne Aufmerksamkeit auf das Feuer anders als Schütteln der Roste zu machen. Dieser Zustand wird in ameasure auf die Tlie-Abwesenheit von Feuchtigkeit zurückgeführt, die in den firebo.x witli die meisten anderen t)pes cf Lokomotivstoker jetzt in Gebrauch ist. Die Lokomotive wird tonnagetrains über tliis Teilung mit der Verwendung von weniger als einem Tank vonKohle behandeln. DOUBLE SUSPENSION ARCH FORSTATIONARY KESSEL Es ist in der Regel wünschenswert, stationäre Kessel lor längere Zeit ohne sie herunterzufahren zu betreiben. Bei Arbeiten mit hoher Kapazität handelt es sich nicht um eine infr
1452 x 1721 px | 24,6 x 29,1 cm | 9,7 x 11,5 inches | 150dpi
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. Railway mechanical engineer . ve beeneasily possible to make a round trip without attention to thefire other than shaking the grates. This condition is in ameasure attributed to tlie absence of moisture which is in-jected into the firebo.x witli most of the other t)pes cf locomo-tive stokers now in use. The locomotive will handle tonnagetrains over tliis division with the use of less than one tank ofcoal. DOUBLE SUSPENSION ARCH FORSTATIONARY BOILERS It is usually desirable to operate stationary boilers lor longperiods without shutting them down. When working athigh capacity it is not an infrequent occurrence to have thearch give way, and tliis often happens when it is extremelyinconvenient to take the boiler out of service. There hasrecently been devised by the Liptak Fire Brick Arch Com-pany, St. Paul, Minn., a t)pe of arch for stationary boilerswhich is incended to overcome such difficulties. This isknown as the Liptak Double Suspension Arch. It is madeup of two layers of interlocking bricks, suspended from cast. Double Suspension Arch for Stationary Boilers iron supporting beams which in turn are fastened by clipsto transverse I-beams. The perspective drawing accompany-ing this article shows the construction clearly. It will benoted that the upper arch furnishes almost complete protec-tion for the cast iron supporting beams. Even if the lowerarch is completely burned away tlie boiler can still be operateduntil the time when it can be shut down without inconvenience.The lower arch can readily be renewed by the boiler room force as it is simply necessar}- to slde new lower arch bricksinto the grooves of the reserve arch. This eliminates theservices of an experienced mason, which are not always avail-able. In case the end blocks are completely burned away, exposing the ends of the cast iron supporting beams to suchan extent as to damage them, it is not necessary to renewthe entire beam as replaceable tips are provided. The rearbricks in any arch are the first to gi