. Einige gemeinsame Säugetiere der westlichen Montana in Bezug auf die Landwirtschaft und Fleckfieber . schwarz. Die Jungen, wie die des JackKaninchens, werden mit vollen Haaren und offenen Augen geboren. Baumwollschwanzkaninchen sind in den bürstenigen Gebieten aller Täler verbreitet, außer denen im äußersten nordwestlichen Teil des Staates. Sie sind klein und werden im Winter nicht weiß. Baumwollnägel produzieren jedes Jahr sev-ere Würfe, und die Jungen werden, im Gegensatz zu denen der Schneeschuh- und Jackkaninchen, mit geschlossenen Augen und haarlosen Körpern geboren. 484 HÄUFIGE SÄUGETIERE DES WESTERN MONTANA. 41 KANINCHEN ALS ZECKENWIRTE. Alle drei spe
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. Some common mammals of western Montana in relation to agriculture and spotted fever . black. The young, like those of thejackrabbit, are born fully haired and with their eyes open. Cottontail rabbits are common in brushy areas of all the valleys, except those in the extreme northwestern part of the State. Theyare small and do not turn white in winter. Cottontails produce sev-eral litters each year, and the young, unlike those of the snowshoe andjackrabbits, are born with their eyes closed and their bodies hairless. 484 COMMON MAMMALS OF WESTERN MONTANA. 41 RABBITS AS TICK HOSTS. All three species are often very badly infested with ticks, overTOO having been found on a single snowshoe rabbit. Fortunately, however, these ticks usually belong to species which seldom attackdomestic animals or human beings and are therefore comparativelyunimportant. Nevertheless a few adult fever ticks have been foundon rabbits. INJURY TO CROPS AND FRUIT TREES. Rabbits often injure garden truck, hay, and growing grain more orless seriously, but the greatest damage which they cause in fruit ». Fin. 33.—Apple tree Injured by rabbits. districts is eating the bark of orchard trees. (Fig. 33.) This isusually done in the winter, when other food is covered with snow.Although apple and pear trees are most frequently attacked, cherrytrees and others also occasionally suffer. Blackberry and raspberrybushes also are frequently injured. When the rabbits attack thebark of a tree they sink their big front teeth into it and pull it offin strips, sometimes repeating the process until large areas of barkare removed and the tree killed or seriously injured. 484 42 COMMON MAMMALS OF WKSTKHN MONTANA. Although orchards are sometimes so badly damaged by rabl)its asto require replanting, as a rule the depredations are not so serious.The following extract is from a letter written by the superintendentof an orchard company: The damage done by rabbits on the 1.000 acres planted amounted to about3, 000 to 3, 500