Einer der Flure, in dem viele Patienten gewesen wären. LINCOLNSHIRE, Vereinigtes Königreich: UNHEIMLICHE BILDER wurden von einem verlassenen Asyl aufgenommen, in dem Whispere auftauchte
One of the halls that would have had many patients throughout. LINCOLNSHIRE, UK: EERIE IMAGES have been captured of an abandoned asylum where whispered ghostly voices have been heard as if patients were still roaming the halls.Creepy images show a decaying staircase leading down to the basement where disembodied voices have been heard. Another photograph shows a painting of cats and flowers around a door frame, signifying a time when the halls would be bright and buzzing with people. Urban Explorer Emma (29) from Hertfordshire, UK explored the abandoned St John?s Asylum in Lincolnshire, UK for over three hours where she heard ghostly whisperings and eerie paintings on the walls. St John?s Hospital, once known as St John?s Asylum, had been abandoned since 1989 until 2012 when it was bought by a property developer who replaced the area with luxury homes and apartments that still keep a lot of the original architecture. The hospital opened in 1852 as the Lincolnshire County Lunatic Asylum after the 1845 act of parliament which made it mandatory for each county to provide accommodation for what they referred to as ?lunatics?. The hospital housed around 250 patients when it first opened its doors, but by the time of its closure, it was able to house over 944 patients. The building consisted of separate wings for male and female patients alongside a Superintendent?s residence and a separate block for more ?difficult? patients. Over the years, the hospital had multiple rounds of expansions and improvements, until WWI when it all came to a halt when some inmates of the Notts County Asylum at Radcliffe on Trent were housed for the duration of the conflict and for some time after. The interwar period brought new light to the stigma surrounding asylums, and so in 1919 the hospital became Bracebridge Mental Hospital. Although the success of the hospital seems ongoing in its heyday, there is a lot of darkness and sorrow filling the halls of the building due to many people underg