---- Eine weibliche chinesischer Arbeiter überwacht die Herstellung von Garnen mit einer Textilfabrik in Lanzhou City, die exportiert werden sollen, der ostchinesischen Provinz Jiangsu
--FILE--A female Chinese worker monitors the production of yarn to be exported at a textile factory in Lianyungang city, east China's Jiangsu province, 5 November 2014. The United States is challenging China at the World Trade Organization, alleging that the Chinese government unfairly subsidizes exports in seven industries. The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative said Wednesday (11 February 2015) that China designates certain export companies as "demonstration bases" that receive free or discounted services from suppliers. The U.S. says China paid the suppliers almost $1 billion over three years to provide those services. Getting help are textile and clothing makers, advanced materials and metals companies, light industrial firms, specialty chemical manufacturers, medical product makers and agricultural firms. The U.S. says the subsidies violate WTO rules.