3600 x 2400 px | 30,5 x 20,3 cm | 12 x 8 inches | 300dpi
30. März 2021
Weitere Informationen:
Danish artist Jeppe Hein’s witty reinventions of the park bench, each one different from the next, are based on research around the topic of proxemics and distance and inspired by traditional as well as modern New York benches, a new series of Modified Social Benches emerged. Their design borrows the basic form of ubiquitous park or garden benches, but is altered to various degrees to make the act of sitting a conscious physical process. The benches question the spatial separations in social situations and challenge the amount of space that people feel necessary to set between themselves and others. The Modified Social Benches NY are intended to break with those behavioural patterns in public space. With its modifications, the benches transform its surroundings into places of social activity and foster dialogue between users and passers-by. Source: southbanklondon.com
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