Ein System der Geburtshilfe und verdient auf diesem Grund eine eindeutige Bezeichnung. 3. Das physiologische Verhalten der Duringarbeit im unteren Uterussegment ist im Gegensatz zum restlichen Teil des Theuterus im Wesentlichen passiv, was durch Kontraktionen scharf gegenübergestellt wird. Sincethe Differenz wird erst nach lebendiger Wehen ausgesprochen und besonders tastbar, und da sie als Ring bei der Intro-duzierung der Hand innerhalb der Gebärmutterhöhle sowie durch Externalpalpation erkennbar ist, entspricht die Bezeichnung dieser Grenze als Kontraktionsring-Seemsto der eigentlichen Relatio
1888 x 1324 px | 32 x 22,4 cm | 12,6 x 8,8 inches | 150dpi
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A system of obstetrics . and on this account well deserves adistinct designation. 3. The physiological behavior of the lower uterine segment duringlabor is essentially passive as opposed to the remaining portion of theuterus, which is sharply contrasted with it by contractions. Sincethis difference is pronounced and especially palpable only after livelyuterine contractions, and since it is apparent as a ring upon the intro-duction of the hand within the uterine cavity, as well as by externalpalpation, the designation of this boundary as contraction-ring seemsto correspond to the actual relations. An important contribution to this vexed question has been added byBayer in the monograph to which allusion has already been made.Bayers conclusions are :1. The mucous membrane of the lower uterine segment produces a 1 Srhroeder: Der Schwangere und Kreissende Uterus, Bonn, 188G; Das untere Uterin-sccjment in Awitomischer unci Phij4olo<jischer Bezichunrj, ). 70.Vol. I.—22 338 THE PHYSIOLOGY OF PREGNANCY.Fig. 205.. Gravid Uterus, Tenth Month (Hofmeier): V, vesica; O.e, os externum ; a, anterior vaginal fornix. true decidua, which passes gradually into the mucous membrane of thecervix. This decidua is distinguished by its extraordinary thinness andthe longitudinal stretching of its meshes in the ampullary stratum.Genuine cervical mucous membrane extends up the posterior Avail ofthe lower uterine segment to a variable distance. It is impossible todistinguish the site of the internal os by any differentiation of themucous membrane. 2. It would be better to limit the use of the term internal os tothe non-pregnant organ or to the uterus in the early months of preg-nancy , when the cervix is intact and the mucous-membrane boundarydistinct—in a word, to the period during which an internal os reallydoes exist. 3. The perfectly-developed lower uterine segment of the graviduterus corresponds to the supravaginal portion of the cervix of thevirgin organ, from the internal os downw