Ein PETROLEUM MOTORS. Ein österreichischer Erfinder hat vor Kurzem das Gerät in dem beigefügten Gravur, bestehend aus einem Petro einfachwirkenden Dampfmaschinen mit dem Unterschied allerdings, dass die expansive Kraft von Dampf im letzteren von Maschinen mit beträchtlichem Erfolg ersetzt wird gebaut. Obwohl angeblich eine österreichische Erfindung zu sein, wir glauben, dass sie nichts mehr als eine schlechte Kopie des Petroleum Motors durch George B. Brayton von Boston Mass erfand hier patentierte in 1871-2 und jetzt erfolgreich in Betrieb in diesem Land. Auf der Rückseite des Zylinders ein drei Ventile. Das Ventil in der
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A PETROLEUM MOTOR. An Austrian inventor has recently constructed the device represented in the annexed engraving consisting of a petro single acting steam engines with the difference however that the expansive force of steam in the latter is replaced by chines with considerable success. Although purporting to be an Austrian invention we believe that it is nothing more than a poor copy of the petroleum engine invented by George B. Brayton of Boston Mass. patented here in 1871-2 and now in successful operation in this country. At the rear of the cylinder A are three valves. The valve in the center is covered with a finely perfo rated nozzle and allows of the entrance into the cylinder of the oil from a receiver B. The valve opening on the left allows of the penetra tion of a flame C at the proper moment said flame being driven through the orifice by air pressure as hereafter described. The effect of the flame meeting the oil in a finely divided state is an explosionwhich shuts the two valves and at the same time drives the piston ahead. To the latter is hinged the connecting rod. The crank shaft G carries at one end a fly wheel and at the other a common pulley. The fly wheel has a cam H which at every revolution strikes against a lever F which communicates a pressure to an india rubber air bag E. The current thus produced is led by tube D to the gas or petroleum flame C which is thus for an as above noted. The petroleum is introduced into the cylinder by atmospheric pressure through a vacuum being formed in rear of the advancing piston. The return stroke of the latter is caused by the inertia of the fly wheel. The cylinder is jacketed and is kept cool by the circula tion of water through the intermediate space forced by pump J from a reservoir L. The governor shown on the cylinder connects in the ordinary way with the crank shaft ; and by means of a combination of levers governs the the combustion of the latter escapes by the third valve be fore referred t and into a