Ein Haubenmakaken (Macaca nigra) blickt nach vorne und zeigt seine Zähne, während seine Gruppe auf einem Baum im Tangkoko-Wald im Norden von Sulawesi, Indonesien, forscht. Der Klimawandel ist einer der wichtigsten Faktoren, die die biologische Vielfalt weltweit mit alarmierender Geschwindigkeit beeinflussen, so ein Team von Wissenschaftlern unter der Leitung von Antonio acini Vasquez-Aguilar in ihrem Artikel vom März 2024 über environ Monit Assessment. Die International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) sagt auch, dass steigende Temperaturen zu ökologischen, verhaltensbezogenen und physiologischen Veränderungen der Tierarten und der Artenvielfalt geführt haben.
4200 x 2797 px | 35,6 x 23,7 cm | 14 x 9,3 inches | 300dpi
20. Januar 2012
Batuputih, Ranowulu, Bitung, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
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A crested macaque (Macaca nigra) looks ahead and shows its teeth, as its group is foraging on a tree in Tangkoko forest, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Climate change is one of the main factors affecting biodiversity worldwide at an alarming rate according to a team of scientists led by Antonio Acini Vasquez-Aguilar in their March 2024 paper on Environ Monit Assess. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) also says that rising temperatures have led to ecological, behavioral, and physiological changes in wildlife species and biodiversity. "In addition to increased rates of disease and degraded habitats, climate change is also causing changes in species themselves, which threaten their survival, " they wrote on IUCN.org. Currently, approximately one-quarter of primates' ranges have temperatures over historical ones, according to another team of scientists led by Miriam Plaza Pinto. Tangkoko forest, a sanctuary where crested macaque lives, suffers from temperature increase by up to 0.2 degree Celsius per year, as concluded by a team of primatologists led by Marine Joly after a long-time research, adding that the overall fruit abundance is also decreased. The habitat suitability of primate species is reduced, that could force them to move out of safe habitats and face more potential conflicts with human. Therefore, primate conservation needs "a holistic strategy of education, capacity building, and community-based conservation draws upon a blend of insights from multiple social scientific disciplines alongside direct research with communities in the area exploring their cultural histories, behavioural drivers, and relationships with nature, " according to a team of scientists led by Harry Hilser in their 2023 paper on International Journal of Primatology. Macaca nigra is one of the 25 most endangered primates on earth, according to Macaca Nigra Project, an organization focusing on research and conservation of this endemic monkey.
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