Ein Handbuch der Anatomie. Thyreocervicalis) ist nur ein fewmillimeter lang und teilt sich in drei Äste: (I) Die Arteria inferiorthyreoid, die Äste zur Thyreoiddrüse, Muskeln der Nachbarschaft, Speiseröhre, Kehlkopf, Luftröhre und der Strukturinnerhalb des Wirbelkanals gibt. (2) Die Halsschlagader transversal {Art. 23. Das BLUTGEFÄSSSYSTEM transversus Colli), das als Ramus ascendens endet, oder Superficial Cervical Arteria and the Ramus descendens oder Posterior Scapulararterie. Diese Gefäße versorgen die benachbarten Muskeln. (3) Arteria scapularis thretransverse {Art. Transversa s.
1279 x 1954 px | 21,7 x 33,1 cm | 8,5 x 13 inches | 150dpi
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A manual of anatomy . thyreocervicalis) is only a fewmillimeters in length and divides into three branches: (i) The inferiorthyreoid artery, that gives branches to the thyreoid gland, muscles ofthe neighborhood, esophagus, larynx, trachea and the structureswithin the vertebral canal. (2) The transverse cervical artery {art. 23° THE BLOOD-VASCULAR SYSTEM transversus colli) that terminates as the ramus ascendens, or super-ficial cervical artery and the ramus descendens, or posterior scapularartery. These vessels supply the neighboring muscles. (3) Thetransverse scapular artery {art. transversa scapula) terminates in theinfraspinous fossa of the scapula. It gives off a number of branchesthat supply the dorsal and ventral scapular, sternomastoid and sub- Vcrlrbriil artery (just brjnrf.Us entrance tnlo tlie ycrlcbral artery brl-wccii the transverseprocei^es oj the cervical verlebrm Deep cervical artery, Cosloccrvical IrunL. Transverse cervical art.Cervical vertebra VII. Thoracic verteb a I Supreme intercostal. Vertebral arteryAscending cervical art. carotid art.Sufrerficial cervical art.Injcrior thyreoid art. p I ma y b sleryi 1 mammary art. AxW y I y Fig. 177.—The branches of the subclavian artery and the course of the vertebral arteryin the neck (schematic). (Sobotta and McMurrich.) clavius muscles, the acromioclavicular, sternoclavicular and shoulderjoints. (c) The internal mammary artery {art. mammaris interna) extendsfrom its origin to the sixth intercostal space where it divides into themusculophrenic and superior epigastric arteries. This lies within thethorax and gives off branches to the diaphragm, thymus, medias-tinum, intercostal spaces and the skin. The musculophrenic arteryis one of its terminal branches and this supplies the diaphragm and THE AXILLARY ARTERY 231 the lower intercostal spaces. The superior epigastric artery continuesinto the abdominal wall and anastomoses with the inferior epigastricartery. It gives branches mainly to the muscles and skin