. Ein Atlas der menschlichen Anatomie für Studenten und Ärzte. Anatomie. 320 7: Er Muskeln der oberen Extremität. Anticus Bracliialis mnscle M iDrachiahs subkutane Bursa des internen kondylus Bursa subcutanea epicondvli medialis / "oberarmkopf Caput humerale Flexor carpi J Ulnaren ulnarls Muskel ich Kopf Caput ulnare ICH^ Tiefen Faszie des Unterarms Fascia antibrachii. Trizeps extensor cubiti Muskel/M. triceps brachii Interne oder tiefen Kopf Caput mediale Mittlere oder Lange Kopf "Caput longum Subtendinous Bursa des Olecranon' Bursa subtendinea olecrani Epitrochleo - anconeus Muskel
1476 x 1693 px | 25 x 28,7 cm | 9,8 x 11,3 inches | 150dpi
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. An atlas of human anatomy for students and physicians. Anatomy. 320 7:he muscles of the upper extremity. Bracliialis anticus mnscle M iDrachiahs Subcutaneous bursa of the internal condyle Bursa subcutanea epicondvli medialis /"Humeral head Caput humerale Flexor carpi J Ulnar ulnarls muscle I head Caput I ulnare ^ Deep fascia of the forearm Fascia antibrachii . Triceps extensor cubiti muscle / M. triceps brachii Internal or deep head Caput mediale Middle or long head "Caput longum Subtendinous bursa of the olecranon' Bursa subtendinea olecrani Epitrochleo-anconeus muscle (var. )- Intratendinous bursa of the olecranon' Bursa intratendinea olecrani Subcutaneous bursa of the olecranon Bursa subcutanea olecrani 1 Concerning these bursas Quain writes (" Elements of Anatomy, " loth ed., vol. ii., Part II., p. 221): " In many cases there is a small bursa above the olecranon, either between the tendon of the triceps and the posterior ligament, or more frequently in the deep part of the tendon itself. A bursa behind the internal condyle, beneath the inner edge of the triceps and the ulnar nerve, is of rare occurrence."—Tr. ^ The epitrochleo-anconeus is a small muscle often found, which arises from the posterior surface of the internal condyle of the humerus, and is inserted into the olecranon. It is superficial to the ulnar nerve. When absent, it is represented by a band of transverse fibres in the deep fascia of the arm.—Tr. Fig. 568.—The Inner Side of the Right Elbow with the Distal Extremity of the Triceps Extensor Cubiti Muscle, the Anomalous Epitrochleo-anconeus Muscle, AND the BuRS^ of THIS REGION. In order to display the intratendinous and the subtendinous bursas of the olecranon t'O longitudinal incisions have been made in the distal e.xtremity of the triceps extensor cubiti muscle, and the posterior margins of the incisions have been retracted with hooks. In the region of the forearm the deep fascia has been left intact