. Eiersammlung und Vogelwelt von Australien. Katalog und Daten der 'Jakaksonian Oological Collection', illustriert mit zahlreichen Fotografien .. En in Alipou Scrub, South (Irafton, Clarence River, Now-South Waks, am 16. Dezember 1894, von Frank und Sid. W.Jackson. Das Nest wurde in allen Lilly Pilly Baum {Eugenia smithii) gebaut, und in einer Höhe von fast 30 Fuß, an der äußersten Stelle entlang dünnen Zweig, die es schwierig machte, die Eier aus ihm zu schöpfen. Diese Vögel waren sehr reichlich über (Irafton während der Saison 1894, und viele von ihnen tatsächlich bauen ihre Nester in der
1528 x 1636 px | 25,9 x 27,7 cm | 10,2 x 10,9 inches | 150dpi
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. Egg collecting and bird life of Australia. Catalogue and data of the "Jacaksonian oological collection, " illustrated with numerous photographs .. . en in Alipou Scrub, South (Irafton, Clarence River, Now-South Waks, on the 16th of Decem-ber, 1894, by Frank and Sid. W.Jackson. The nest was built in atall Lilly Pilly tree {Eugenia Smithii), and placed at an altitude of nearly30 feet, at the very extremity of along thin branch, which rendered itdifficult to scoop the eggs from it. These birds were very plentiful about (Irafton during season 1894, and many of them actually builttheir nests in the Camphor Laurel trees {Camphora oj/icinaritm) growing in the streets of the city.During my last visit to Brisbane, in September of 1906, I found nests of this species built in the treesgrowing in the parks and gardens there. The eggs vary much in their ground colouring and generalmarkings. We took nine clutches of the eggs near Grafton, and no two sets were alike. The eggs canbe seen through the nest from below. (See A. J. Campbells book, at foot of page 83). The note ofthis bird resembles chick-ock, chee-koy. Specimen .. measures = 143 x 097.. NEST AND EGCS 01 THE ITG IIIRU.(About one third of the natural size.)Loc, South Grafton, Clarence River, N.S.W.(See dala So. .>10, page !>9.) 9S Na- i THE JACKSONIAN OOI.OOICAI. COLLECTION. A, J.Data CauijitieHs No. ofN... Book. Eggs. 540 61 3 Set of 3 eggs, which are ([uite differently marked to those of the latter set, and resemble very much the eggs of the Grey Butcher Bird {Cracticus destructor). Taken by A. Amos, U. Hawthorne, andFrank T. A. Jackson, at South Grafton, N.S.W., on the 2nd of December, 1894. The nest was builtin a Red Cedar tree (CV(f«/(i rtKs^ra/;s), at an altitude of 39 feet. Specimen A. measures = i25 x oSy. 541 62 3 YELLOW-BELLIED FIG BIRD, Sphecothercs flavivcntris, Gould.Set of 3 eggs, which are of the very pale green variety, and are heavily blotched. Like the latterspecies, the eggs of this bird vary con