. E-Bahn-Zeitschrift . ein Eisenbahnfrachtbüro hat zum Verlust von Spediteuren geführt, vor allem auf dem Gebiet eines Wettbewerbers. Das heißt, wenn er in der Lage ist, schnell Lieferungen zu machen und seine Belege zu erhalten, und wenn es gepflasterte Einfahrten zu den Güterhaustüren und Vordächern darüber gibt, damit er bei schlechtem Wetter beim Be- oder Entladen von Fracht geschützt ist, viel vielleicht erreicht. In vielen Fällen ist es praktisch unmöglich, dass der Vertreter des Herstellerunternehmens persönlich anrufen kann, um bestimmte Beschwerdeführer des Teils zu untersuchen
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. Electric railway journal . a railroad freightoffice has resulted in the loss of shippers, especially those inthe territory of a competitor. ment of a freight business. That is to say, if he isenabled to make deliveries and obtain his receipts prompt-ly, and if there are paved driveways to the freight housedoors and canopies over them so that he is protected whenloading or unloading freight in bad weather, much maybe accomplished. In many instances it is practically im-possible for the representative of the manufacturer orshipper to call personally to investigate certain complaintson the part of his teamster and he is forced to accept whatis told him as fact. The necessity for a certain amount of tact in employeesdealing directly with the teamsters or shippers is not con-fined to the warehouse foreman. It should be requiredfrom everyone in the warehouse organization who hasdealings with the public. This is especially true of re-ceiving clerks and checkers, as well as of the cashier whosupervises the credit list.. Team Side of Receiving Shed at Los Angeles Freight Terminal, Pacific Electric Railway Where the quantity of freight and express business war-rants, the best practice is to appoint a local freight andexpress agent in addition to a passenger agent. This isan era of specialization, and the man who is properlyequipped to discuss matters with his patrons produces farbetter results than one who has so many things and sub-jects to handle that he is capable of discussing none in-telligently. At the larger stations, besides the agent andclerical help, the force usually includes a day and a nightforeman, who have supervision over the checkers, receivingclerks and truckers and report direct to the local agent.The warehouse foreman should be a man with sufficientexecutive ability to handle the men under his charge andshould also be a man who can handle teamsters tactfully.One not familiar with the trials and tribulations of awarehouse foreman cannot know how important