. Dreer's Lampen Pflanzen, Sträucher und Samen für den Herbst Pflanzung: Herbst 1937. Die Glühbirnen (Pflanzen) Kataloge; Blumen Samen Kataloge; Gartengeräte und Zubehör Kataloge; Baumschulen (Gartenbau) Kataloge; Gemüse Samen Kataloge. Dreer Qualität winterharte Stauden im Herbst pflanzen Early-Flowering Hardy Phlox Miss Lingard. Dieses große weiße Sorte ist eine Populärste sortieren. Es wächst ungefähr 2 Fuß hoch und beginnt im Mai blüte, blume, bis Ende Oktober. Jeweils 25 c 3 Für 70 c; 12 für $ 2,50; 25 für $ 4.50. Rosalinda. Eine wunderbare neue Phlox mit auffälligen Blüten Dolden aus weichen Bin
1461 x 1710 px | 24,7 x 29 cm | 9,7 x 11,4 inches | 150dpi
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. Dreer's bulbs plants, shrubs and seeds for fall planting : autumn 1937. Bulbs (Plants) Catalogs; Flowers Seeds Catalogs; Gardening Equipment and supplies Catalogs; Nurseries (Horticulture) Catalogs; Vegetables Seeds Catalogs. Dreer Quality HARDY PERENNIAL PLANTS for Fall Planting Early-Flowering Hardy Phlox Miss Lingard. This grand white variety is a most popular sort. It grows about 2 feet high and starts to bloom in May, continuing to flower until late in October. Each 25c; 3 for 70c; 12 for $2.50; 25 for $4.50. Rosalinda. A wonderful new Phlox with showy flower trusses composed of soft Amaranth pink blooms borne with the greatest profusion from June until freezing weather. 2 to 3 feet. Each 35c; 3 for $1.00; 12 for $3.50; 25 for $6.50.. Phlox divaricata canadensis Various Species of Phlox Amoena. A ® A useful variety for carpeting the ground and splendid in the rockery or border. Grows but 4 inches high and is a sheet of bright pink flowers in spring. Divaricata canadensis. A ® One of our native species worthy of extensive planting. Begins to bloom early in April and con- tinues through May. Large, fragrant, lavender flowers on 10 inch stems. Splendid with Alyssum saxatile and Tulips. Ovata caroliniana {Mountain Phlox). A ® Bears masses of reddish pink flowers in May and June. 12 to 15 inches. Any of the above: Each 25c; 3 for 70c; 12 for $2.50; 25 for $4.50. Physostegia—False Dragonhead One of the most beautiful of our midsummer flowering peren- nials. Forms dense bushes bearing spikes of delicate tubular flowers not unlike a gigantic Heather. Virginica. Bright soft pink. 2 to 4 feet high. — alba. Pure white; very fine. 2 to 4 feet high. — grandiflora Vivid. A new variety growing from 18 to 24 inches high with flowers much larger than the type and of a bright violet-mauve. Any of these: Each 25c; 3 for 70c; 12 for $2.50; 25 for $4.50. Plumbago—Leadwort (Cerasostigma) A Larpentae. A very desirable border and rock plant. It is of dwarf, spreading habi